Nazwiska pracowników i doktorantów zakładu zostały wyróżnione tłustą czcionką
- J.W. Krzyścin, A. Czerwińska, B. Rajewska-Więch, J. Jarosławski, P.S. Sobolewski, I. Pawlak, 2025. Biologically effective daily radiant exposure for erythema appearance, previtamin D3 synthesis and clearing of psoriatic lesions from erythema biometers at Belsk, Poland, for the period 1976-2023, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2025
- L. Köhler, J. Windmiller, D. Baranowski, M. Brennek, M. Ciuryło, L. Hayo, D. Kȩpski, S. Kinne, B. Latos, B. Lobo, T. Marke, T. Nischik, D. Paul, P. Stammes, A. Szkop, O. Tuinder, 2025. Calm ocean, stormy sea: atmospheric and oceanographic observations of the Atlantic during the Atlantic References and Convection (ARC) ship campaign, Earth Syst. Sci. Data 17, 633-659,
- K.M. Markowicz, I. Okraska, M.T. Chiliński, P. Makuch, K. Nurowska, M.A. Posyniak, A. Rozwadowska, P. Sobolewski, O. Zawadzka-Mańko, 2024. Long-term variability of the MERRA-2 radiation budget over Poland in Central Europe. Acta Geophys. 72, 2907-2924,
- Laj, P., and Co-authors, 2024: Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS): The European Research Infrastructure Supporting Atmospheric Science. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 105, E1098-E1136,
- H. Witkowski, J. Jarosławski, A. Szkop, K. Chilmon, M. Kalinowski, W. Jackiewicz-Rek, W., 2024. The Potential Risk of Nanoparticulate Release from Photocatalytic Pavement Concrete Surface Due to a Simulated Abrasion Load - An Experimental Study. Materials 17(12), 3022.
- I. Pawlak, J. Krzyścin, J. Jarosławski, 2024. Long-Term Variability of Surface Ozone and Its Associations with NOx and Air Temperature Changes from Air Quality Monitoring at Belsk, Poland, 1995-2023. Atmosphere 15(8), 960,
- J. Krzyścin, A. Czerwińska, 2024. Signs of Slowing Recovery of Antarctic Ozone Hole in Recent Late Winter-Early Spring Seasons (2020-2023), Atmosphere 15(1), 80,
- A. Czerwińska, J. Krzyścin, 2024. Measurements of biologically effective solar radiation using erythemal weighted broadband meters, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 23, 479-492,
- M. Niedźwiedź, M. Noweta, J. Narbutt, W. Owczarek, M. Ciążyńska, A. Czerwińska, J. Krzyścin, A. Lesiak, M. Skibińska, 2024. Does the effectiveness of biological medications in the treatment for psoriasis depend on the moment of starting therapy? A preliminary study. Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 41(1), 106-112,
M.V.C. Azaneu, A.J. Matthews, K.J. Heywood, R.A. Hall, D.B. Baranowski, 2024. Impact of a fresh-core mesoscale eddy in modulating oceanic response to a Madden-Julian Oscillation, Deep Sea Res. II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 216, 105396,
I. Pawlak, A. Odzimek, D. Kępski, J. Tacza, Analysis of diurnal, seasonal and annual variations of fair weather atmospheric potential gradient at reduced number concentration of condensation nuclei from long-term measurements at Świder, Poland, Ann. Geophys. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2024.
M.J. Rycroft, A. Odzimek, R.G. Harrison, 2024. Determining the time constant of the global atmospheric electric circuit through modelling and observations, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys. 260, 106267,
M. Niedźwiedź, M. Skibińska, M. Ciążyńska, M. Noweta, A. Czerwińska, J. Krzyścin, J. Narbutt, A. Lesiak, 2024. Psoriasis and Seasonality: Exploring the Genetic and Epigenetic Interactions, Int. J. Molecular Sci. 25(21), 11670,
Z. Baldysz, G. Nykiel., D.B. Baranowski, B. Latos, M. Figurski, 2024, Diurnal variability of atmospheric water vapour, precipitation and cloud top temperature across the global tropics derived from satellite observations and GNSS technique. Diurnal variability of atmospheric water vapour, precipitation and cloud top temperature across the global tropics derived from satellite observations and GNSS technique, Clim. Dyn. 62, 1965-1982,
- A. Tsekeri, A. Gialitaki, M. Di Paolantonio, D. Dionisi, G.L. Liberti, A. Fernandes, A. Szkop, A. Pietruczuk, D. Pérez-Ramírez, M.J. Granados Muñoz, J.L. Guerrero-Rascado, L. Alados-Arboledas, D. Bermejo Pantaleón, J.A. Bravo-Aranda, A. Kampouri, E. Marinou, V. Amiridis, M. Sicard, A. Comerón, C. Muñoz-Porcar, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, S. Romano, M.R. Perrone, X. Shang, M. Komppula, R.-E. Mamouri, A. Nisantzi, D. Hadjimitsis, F. Navas-Guzmán, A. Haefele, D. Szczepanik, A. Tomczak, I.S. Stachlewska, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, K.A. Voudouri, D. Balis, A.A. Floutsi, H. Baars, L. Miladi, N. Pascal, O. Dubovik, A. Lopatin, (2023), Combined sun-photometer-lidar inversion: lessons learned during the EARLINET/ACTRIS COVID-19 campaign, Atmos. Meas. Tech. 16 (24), 6025-6050,
- K. Sobolewski, M. Kubicki, (2023), Simulation analysis of sensors with different geometry used in measurements of atmospheric electricity, Sensors 23(24), 9627,
- W.R. Szkolka, D.B. Baranowski, M.K. Flatau, M. Marzuki, T. Shimomai, H. Hashiguchi, (2023), Diurnal cycle of tropospheric winds over West Sumatra and its variability associated with various climate and weather modes, Atmosphere 14, 1521,
- P. L'Hégaret, F. Schütte, S. Speich, G. Reverdin, D.B. Baranowski, R. Czeschel, T. Fischer, G.R. Foltz, K.J. Heywood, G. Krahmann, R. Laxenaire, C. Le Bihan, P. Le Bot, S. Leizour, C. Rollo, M. Schlundt, E. Siddle, C. Subirade, D. Zhang, J. Karstensen (2023), Ocean cross-validated observations from R/Vs L'Atalante, Maria S. Merian, and Meteor and related platforms as part of the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC campaign, Earth Sys. Sci. Data 15 (4), 1801-1830,
- G. Karnas, G. Maslowski, P. Baranski, W. Gajda, (2023), Spectral domain analysis of preliminary breakdown pulse train activity during leader electric field signatures of positive cloud-to-ground flash incidents recorded during 2019 thunderstorm season in central part of Poland, Electric Pow. Sys. Res. 216, 109066,
- J. Bór, T. Bozóki, G. Sátori, E. Williams, S.A. Behnke, M.J. Rycroft, A. Buzás, H.G. Silva, M. Kubicki, R. Said, C. Vagasky, P. Steinbach, K. Szabóné André, M. Atkinson (2023), Responses of the AC/DC global electric circuit to volcanic electrical activity in the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption on 15 January 2022, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 128, e2022JD038238,
- I. Pawlak, A. Fernandes, J. Jarosławski, K. Klejnowski, A. Pietruczuk, (2023), Comparison of 24 h surface ozone forecast for Poland: CAMS Models vs. simple statistical models with limited number of input parameters, Atmosphere 14, 670,
- J. Krzyścin, (2023), Indicators of the ozone recovery for selected sites in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes derived from various total column ozone datasets (1980-2020), Atmos. Chem. Phys. 23(5), 3119-3132,
- B. Latos, P. Peyrillé, T. Lefort, D.B. Baranowski, M.K. Flatau, P.J. Flatau, N.F. Riama, D.S. Permana, A.V. Rydbeck, A.J. Matthews, (2023), The role of tropical waves in the genesis of Tropical Cyclone Seroja in the Maritime Continent, Nature Comm. 14, 856,
- J. Krzyścin, (2023), Trends in short-term variability of total column ozone over Europe for the period 1980–2020 from the ground-based observations and ERA5 reanalysis, Atmos. Env. 295, 119543,
- A. Bailey, F. Aemisegger, L. Villiger, S.A. Los, G. Reverdin, E. Quiñones Meléndez, C. Acquistapace, D.B. Baranowski, T. Böck, S. Bony, T. Bordsdorff, D. Coffman, S.P. de Szoeke, Ch.J. Diekmann, M. Dütsch, B. Ertl, J. Galewsky, D. Henze, P. Makuch, D. Noone, P.K. Quinn, M. Rösch, A. Schneider, M. Schneider, S. Speich, B. Stevens, E.J. Thompson, (2023), Isotopic measurements in water vapor, precipitation, and seawater during EUREC4A, Earth Sys. Sci. Data 15(1), 465-495,
- K. Koziol, R. Kallenborn, Z. Xie, C. Larose, A. Spolaor, E. Barbaro, J. Kavan, D. Kępski, A. Nikulina, K. Zawierucha, D. Pearce, L. Cockerton, A. Nawrot, F. Pawlak, P. Pakszys, D. Cappelletti, (2023), Harmonising Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants and Impurities in the Svalbard Atmosphere (HERMOSA), In: State of Environmental Science in Svalbard - SESS report 2022 (Chapter 4, pp. 78-115), Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System,
- D. Ignatiuk, T. Dunse, J.-C. Gallet, L. Girod, M. Grabiec, D. Kepski, J. Kohler, M. Laska, B. Luks, W. van Pelt, R. Petterson, V. Pohjola, V. Schuler Thomas, (2023), Ground penetrating radar measurement of snow in Svalbard - past, present, future (SnowGPR), In: State of Environmental Science in Svalbard - SESS report 2022 (Chapter 5, pp. 116-141), Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System,
- B.H. Petkov, V. Vitale, P. Di Carlo, O. Drofa, D. Mastrangelo, A.R.D. Smedley, H. Diémoz, A.M. Siani, I. Fountoulakis, A.R. Webb, A. Bais, R. Kift, J. Rimmer, G.R. Casale, G.H. Hansen, T. Svendby, A. Pazmiño, R. Werner, A.M. Atanassov, K. Láska, H. De Backer, A. Mangold, U. Köhler, V.A. Velazco, R. Stübi, A. Solomatnikova, K. Pavlova, P.S. Sobolewski, B. Johnsen, F. Goutail, O. Mišaga, E. Aruffo, L. Metelka, Z. Tóth, D. Fekete, A.A. Aculinin, A. Lupi, M. Mazzola, F. Zardi, (2023), An unprecedented Arctic ozone depletion event during spring 2020 and its impacts across Europe, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 128, e2022JD037581,
- A. Pietruczuk, A. Fernandes, A. Szkop, J. Krzyścin, (2022), Impact of vertical profiles of aerosols on the photolysis rates in the lower troposphere from the synergy of photometer and ceilometer measurements in Raciborz, Poland, for the period 2015-2020, Remote Sens. 14, 1057,
C. Sanchez-Cid, C. Keuschnig, K. Torzewski, Ł. Stachnik, D. Kępski, B. Luks, A. Nawrot, P. Niedzielski, T.M. Vogel, C. Larose, (2022), Environmental and anthropogenic factors shape the snow microbiome and antibiotic resistome, Front. Microbiol., Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy, 13,
G. Karnas, P. Barański, G. Masłowski, (2022), A new method for modeling and parameter identification of positively charged downward lightning leader based on remote lightning electric field signatures recorded in the ELF/MF range and 3D Doppler radar scanning data, Energies 15, 8566,
W. Zhang, J. Paatero, A.-P. Leppänen, B. Møller, L. Kiel Jensen, K. Gudnason, M. Sofiev, P. Anderson, M. Sickel, A. Burakowska, M. Kubicki, A. Anderson, (2022), Evaluation of 137Cs, 133Xe and 3H activity concentrations monitored in the Arctic atmosphere, J. Environ. Radioactivity 253-254, 107013,
A. Czerwińska, J. Krzyścin, (2022), Exposure to solar UV radiation of Polish teenagers after the first COVID-19 lockdown in March-April 2020, Inter. J. Biometeorol. 66, 2021-2032,
M. Laska, B. Luks, D. Kępski, B. Gądek, P. Głowacki, D. Puczko, K. Migała, A. Nawrot, M. Pętlicki, (2022), Hansbreen Snowpit Dataset - over 30-year of detailed snow research on an Arctic glacier, Scientific Data 9, 656,
- J. Tacza, A. Odzimek, E. Tueros Cuadros, J.-P. Raulin, M. Kubicki, G. Fernandez, A. Marun, (2022), Investigating effects of solar proton events and Forbush decreases on ground-level potential gradient recorded at middle and low latitudes and different altitudes, Space Weather 20, e2021SW002944,
- H. Witkowski, W. Jackiewicz-Rek, J. Jarosławski, K. Chilmon, A. Szkop, (2022), Ozone formation during photocatalytic oxidation of nitric oxides under UV irradiation with the use of commercial TiO2 photocatalytic powders, Materials 15, 5905,
- P. Barański, J. Guzikowski, Dynamic and electric charge structure of thunderclouds obtained from the WRF and WRF_ELEC models and related to the charge sources of multiple CG flashes detected by the LLDN in the Warsaw region during thunderstorm season in 2009, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 5-17,
- A. Odzimek, P. Barański, M. Kubicki, D. Jasinkiewicz, J. Berliński, W. Gajda, (2022), Nimbostratus and Stratus cloud atmospheric electricity database and analysis methods for the project “Research Studies on the Electricity of Low-Level Layer Clouds for the Purpose of Developments in Global Atmospheric Circuit Modelling (ELLEC)”, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 19-40,
- A. Odzimek, M. Mielniczek, M. Pajek, P. Novák, (2022), Red sprites over thunderstorms in Czech Republic, Germany and Poland observed from Gliwice in 2011-2013, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 41-54,
- A. Odzimek, W. Gajda, M. Pajek, M. Kubicki, (2022), Red sprites over northwest Poland and the southern Baltic coast observed from Świder Geophysical Observatory, Publs Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 55-70,
- A. Odzimek, M. Mielniczek, (2022), Methodology of estimating time accuracy in TV recordings of sprite lightning observed from Gliwice and Świder 2011-2015, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 71-83, 10.25171/InstGeoph_PAS_Publs-2022-026
- J. Parfiniewicz, P. Barański, M. Hermanowicz, (2022), A novel application of the Virtual Fujita Scale (VFS) number approach as a useful tool to assessment of lightning discharges development and severity for the derecho episode in Poland on 11 August 2017 together with its synoptic context, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 442 (D-77), 85-119,
- D. Kępski, (2021), The influence of topography and vegetation on the snow cover in tundra: Case study from the Southern Spitsbergen Area, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci. 438(P-3),
- Z. Baldysz, G. Nykiel, B. Latos, D.B. Baranowski, M. Figurski, (2021), Interannual variability of the GNSS precipitable water vapor in the global tropics, Atmosphere 12(12), 1698,
- K.M. Markowicz, O. Zawadzka-Manko, M. Posyniak, (2021), A large reduction of direct aerosol cooling over Poland in the last decades,
- K.M. Markowicz, I.S. Stachlewska, O. Zawadzka-Manko, D. Wang, W. Kumala, M.T. Chilinski, P. Makuch, P. Markuszewski, A.K. Rozwadowska, T. Petelski, T. Zielinski, M. Posyniak, J.W. Kaminski, A. Szkop, A. Pietruczuk, B.H. Chojnicki, K.M. Harenda, P. Poczta, J. Uscka-Kowalkowska, J. Struzewska, M. Werner, M. Kryza, A. Drzeniecka-Osiadacz, T. Sawinski, A. Remut, M. Mietus, K. Wiejak, J. Markowicz, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, (2021), A decade of Poland-AOD Aerosol Research Network observations, Atmosphere 12(12), 1583,
- I. Pawlak, (2021), Statistical analysis of ozone weekend effect in the largest cities in Poland, Earth Sciences 10(6), 265-274,
- A. Odzimek, P. Szymeczko, S. Gaweł, (2021), Ocena aktywności burzowej w latach 2012-2017 na lotniskach kontrolowanych na terenie Polski na podstawie zobrazowań satelitarnych Meteosat w produktach Overshooting Tops, w: Wykorzystanie technik nawigacyjnych w lotnictwie Cz. 1, seria wydawnicza „Współczesna nawigacja” Tom III, Ed.: Grzegorzewski M., Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa, Dęblin, ISBN: 978-83-66514-18-8, pp. 187-200
- B. Stevens et al. including D. Baranowski, M. Posyniak, W. Szkółka, (2021), EUREC4A, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13 4067-4119,
- M.A. Posyniak, K.M. Markowicz, D. Czyzewska, M.T. Chilinski, P. Makuche, O. Zawadzka-Manko, S. Kucieba, K. Kulesza, K. Kachniarz, K. Mijal, K.Borek, Experimental study of smog microphysical and optical vertical structure in the Silesian Beskids, Poland, Atmos. Pollution Res. 12(9), 101171,
- P.G. Kosmopoulos, S. Kazadzis, A.W. Schmalwieser, I. Raptis, K. Papachristopoulou, I. Fountoulakis, A. Masoom, A.F. Bais, J. Bilbao, M. Blumthaler, A. Kreuter, A.M. Siani, K. Eleftheratos, C. Topaloglou, J. Gröbner, B. Johnsen, T.M. Svendby, J.M. Vilaplana, L. Doppler, A.R. Webb, M. Khazova, H. De Backer, A. Heikkilä, K. Lakkala, J. Jaroslawski, C. Meleti, H. Diémoz, G. Hülsen, B. Klotz, J. Rimmer, C. Kontoes, (2021), Real-time UV index retrieval in Europe using Earth observation-based techniques: system description and quality assessment, Atmos. Meas. Tech. 14, 5657-5699,
- J. Krzyścin, B. Rajewska-Więch, J. Borkowski, (2021), Total column ozone measurements by the Dobson spectrophotometer at Belsk (Poland) for the period 1963-2019: homogenization and adjustment to the Brewer spectrophotometer, Earth Syst. Sci. Data 13, 4425-4436,
- A. Burakowska, M. Kubicki, B. Myslek-Laurikainen, M. Piotrowski, H. Trzaskowska, R. Sosnowiec, (2021), Concentration of 7Be, 210Pb, 40K, 137Cs, 134Cs radionuclides in the ground layer of the atmosphere in the polar (Hornsund, Spitsbergen) and mid-latitudes (Otwock-Świder, Poland) regions, J. Environ. Radioactivity 240, 106739,
- J. Krzyścin, B. Rajewska-Więch, J. Borkowski, (2021), Short-term variability of total column ozone from the Dobson spectrophotometer measurements at Belsk, Poland, in the period 23 March 1963-31 December 2019, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 73(1), 1-10,
- J. Narbutt, J. Krzyścin, P. Sobolewski, M. Skibińska, M. Noweta, W. Owczarek, B. Rajewska-Więch, A. Lesiak, (2021), A priori estimation of the narrow-band UVB phototherapy outcome for moderate-to-severe psoriasis based on the patients' questionnaire and blood tests using random forest classifier, Clin. Cosmet. Investig. Dermatol. 14, 253-259,
- A. Fernandes, A. Pietruczuk, A. Szkop, J. Krzyścin, (2021), Aerosol layering in the free troposphere over the industrial city of Raciborz in southwest Poland and its influence on surface UV radiation, Atmosphere 12(7), 812,
- 2021), Subsurface oceanic structure associated with atmospheric convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin waves in the eastern Indian Ocean, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans 126(7), e2021JC017171, , (
- B. Latos, T. Lefort, M.K. Flatau, P.J. Flatau, D.S. Permana, D.B. Baranowski, J.A.I. Paski, E. Makmur, E. Sulystyo, P. Peyrillé, Z. Feng, A.J. Matthews, J.M. Schmidt, (2021), Equatorial Waves Triggering Extreme Rainfall and Floods in Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia, Mon. Wea. Rev 145(5), 1381-1401,
- M. Kubicki, B. Mysłek-Laurikainen, A.Odzimek, (2021), Nature of relationships between atmospheric electricity parameters at ground surface and air Ionization on the basis of nuclear accidents in power plants and weapons tests, Front. Earth Sci., 8 April 2021,
- S. Michnowski, A. Odzimek, N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyrieva, M. Kubicki, S. Issraelsson, Z. Klos, N.N. Nikiforova, Review of Relationships Between Solar Wind and Ground-Level Atmospheric Electricity: Case Studies from Hornsund, Spitsbergen, and Swider, Poland, Surv. Geophys. 42(3), 757-801,
- J. Tacza, K.A. Nicoll, E.L. Macotela, M. Kubicki, A. Odzimek, J. Manninen, (2021), Measuring global signals in the potential gradient at high latitude sites, Front. Earth Sci., 29 January 2021,
- A. Czerwińska, W. Czuchraj, Estimations of the erythemal UV doses and the amount of the Sun-synthesized vitamin D by adults during the cruise to Spitsbergen - Polar Measurement Campaign (2-21 July 2017), Atmosphere 12(4), 474,
- R. Salzano, K. Aalstad, E. Boldrini, J.-C. Gallet, D. Kępski, B. Luks, L. Nilsen, R. Salvatori, S. Westermann, (2021), Terrestrial photography applications on snow cover in Svalbard (PASSES), In: The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) report 2020, (, Chapter 10, 236-251,
- E. Barbaro, K. Koziol, M.P. Björkman, C.P. Vega, C. Zdanowicz, T. Martma, J.-C. Gallet, D. Kępski, C. Larose, B. Luks, F. Tolle, T.V. Schuler, A. Uszczyk, A. Spolaor, (2021), Measurement report: Spatial variations in ionic chemistry and water-stable isotopes in the snowpack on glaciers across Svalbard during the 2015-2016 snow accumulation season, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 21(4), 3163-3180,
- K.M. Han, C.H. Jung, R.-S. Park, S.-Y. Park, S. Lee, M. Kulmala, T. Petäjä, G. Karasiński, P. Sobolewski, Y. Jun Yoon, B. Young Lee, K. Kim, H. S. Kim, (2021), Data assimilation of AOD and estimation of surface particulate matters over the Arctic, Applied Sci. 11(4), 1959,
- E.R. Hunting, J. Matthews, P.F. de Arróyabe Hernáez, S.J. England, K. Kourtidis, K. Koh, K. Nicoll, R.G. Harrison, K. Manser, C. Price, S. Dragovic, M. Cifra, A. Odzimek, D. Robert, (2021), Challenges in coupling atmospheric electricity with biological systems, Int. J. Biometeorol. 65, 45-58,
- P. Fdez-Arroyabe, K. Kourtidis, C. Haldoupis, S. Savoska, J. Matthews, L. M. Mir, P. Kassomenos, M. Cifra, S. Barbosa, X. Chen, S. Dragovic, C. Consoulas, E.R. Hunting, D. Robert, O.A. van der Velde, F. Apollonio, A. Odzimek, A. Chilingarian, D. Royé, H. Mkrtchyan, C. Price, J. Bór, C. Oikonomou, M.-V. Birsan, B. Crespo-Facorro, M. Djordjevic, C. Salcines, A. López-Jiménez, R.V. Donner, M. Vana, J.O. Pepke Pedersen, M. Vorenhout, M. Rycroft, (2021), Glossary on atmospheric electricity and its effects on biology, Int. J. Biometeorol. 65, 5-29,
- A.E. Czerwińska, J.W. Krzyścin, Climatological aspects of the increase of the skin cancer (melanoma) incidence rate in Europe (2020), Int. J. Clim. 40(6), 3196-3207,
- Y. AboEl-Fetouh, N.T. O'Neill, K. Ranjbar, S. Hesaraki, I. Abboud, P.S. Sobolewski (2020), Climatological-scale analysis of intensive and semi-intensive aerosol parameters derived from AERONET retrievals over the Arctic, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 125(10), e2019JD031569,
- S. Gaweł, A. Odzimek, Uderzenia piorunów w rejonie Dęblina w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa nawigacji, In: Wybrane aspekty zabezpieczenia nawigacji lotniczej cz. 2, seria wydawnicza „Współczesna nawigacja”, Tom II, 95 lat „Szkoły Orląt'', Ed. Janusz Ćwiklak, Lotnicza Akademia Wojskowa, Dęblin 2020, ISBN 978-83-66514-09-6, s. 211-217
- L.Gawuc, M. Jefimow, K. Szymankiewicz, M.Kuchcik, A. Sattari, J. Struzewska (2020) Statistical modelling of urban heat island intensity in Warsaw, Poland using simultaneous air and surface temperature observations, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,
- E. Arnone, J. Bór, O. Chanrion, V. Barta, S. Dietrich, C.-F. Enell, T. Farges, M. Füllekrug, A. Kero, R. Labanti, A. Mäkelä, K. Mezuman, A. Odzimek, M. Popek, M. Prevedelli, M. Ridolfi, S. Soula, D. Valeri, O. van der Velde, Y. Yair, F. Zanotti, P. Zoladek, T. Neubert (2020), Climatology of Transient Luminous Events and lightning observed above Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, Surv. Geophys. 41 (2), 167-199,
- G. Karnas, G.Maslowski, P. Baranski (2020), A novel algorithm for determining lightning leader time onset from electric field records and its application for lightning channel height calculations, Electr. Pow. Syst. Res. 178, 106021,
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