prof. dr hab. inż. Jarosław Jan Napiórkowski


Profesor,  Zakład Hydrologii i Hydrodynamiki

Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 6915-854, e-mail:

Google Scholar


  • profesor nauk o Ziemi: maj, 2001
  • doktor habilitowany nauk przyrodniczych: w zakresie geofizyki-hydrologii, Rada Naukowa Instytutu Geofizyki PAN, rozprawa nt. „Zastosowania szeregu Volterry w hydrologii dynamicznej”, 1989
  • doktor nauk fizycznych: Instytutu Geofizyki PAN, rozprawa pt. „Identyfikacja zbiornikowego modelu koncepcyjnego opisanego szeregiem Volterry” 1979
  • magister inżynier: elektroniki, specjalność: automatyka, praca dyplomowa pt. „Model łańcuchowy odcinka gazociągu” na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej, 1974


Instytut Geofizyki, PAN

  • Profesor 2022
  • Profesor mianowany PAN 2010 - 2022
  • Profesor 2001 – 2009
  • Docent 1990 – 2001
  • Adiunkt 1979 – 1990
  • Starszy asystent 1976 – 1979
  • Asystent 1974 – 1975
  • Kierownik Studium Doktoranckiego przy IGF PAN 2000-2008
  • Kierownik Zakładu Hydrologii i Hydrodynamiki 2004-2022
  • Edytor tematyczny Acta Geophysica od 2018

Civil Engineering Department, University College Dublin, Irlandia

  • Stypendysta Ministerstwa Oświaty Irlandii 1981-1983

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Hydrologie, Wasserwirtschaft und Umwelttechnik, Niemcy

  • Stypendium Humboldta 1991-1993

Zainteresowania badawcze

  • Wykorzystanie teorii systemów do modelowania transformacji przepływu w korytach otwartych i procesu opad-odpływ
  • Hydrologia satelitarna
  • Wykorzystanie systemu ekspertowego jako narzędzia wspomagania decyzji w procesie zarządzania zasobami wodnymi
  • Zastosowanie metod optymalizacji globalnej w hydrologii i zarządzaniu systemem zbiorników retencyjnych
  • Wpływ możliwych zmian klimatycznych na zasoby wodne w Polsce
  • Adaptacyjna ocena środowiska
  • Modelowanie transportu zanieczyszczeń w rzekach
  • Sterowanie operacyjne falą wezbraniową w warunkach powodzi

Nagrody i wyróżnienia

  • 1979 - Nagroda im. Juliana Lambora Wydział VII PAN
  • 1986- Nagroda Naukowa Sekretarza Naukowego PAN
  • 1988 - Nagroda im. Juliana Lambora Wydział VII PAN
  • 1989 - Nagroda „Tison Aword” za najlepszą publikację dla młodych naukowców przyznana przez International Association of Hydrological Sciences za artykuł ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF CHANNEL FLOW MODEL WITH DOWNSTREAM CONTROL, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1988, vol. 33, pp. 269-287.2012
  • Wyróżnienie Dyrektora Instytutu Geofizyki PAN za osiągnięcia naukowe w latach 2010-2011
  • 2018 - Brązowy Krzyż zasługi

Projekty naukowe

  • Kierownik Projektu Badawczy KBN 4S 401 016 06 (PB 0021/S4/94/06) „Zasady gospodarki zbiornikowej przy uwzględnieniu wielokryterialności problemu sterowania systemem wodnym, zakończony w 1996.
  • Kierownik Projektu Badawczego KBN 6 P04D 015 13 (PB 312/P04/97/13) „Wielokryterialne aspekty niezawodności systemu zbiorników retencyjnych przy wyznaczaniu optymalnych reguł decyzyjnych”, zakończony w 1999.
  • Kierownik Projektu Badawczego KBN 6 P04D 032 19 (PB 1168/P04/2000/19) „Sterowanie operacyjne falą wezbraniową w warunkach powodzi”, zakończony w 2003.
  • Kierownik Projektu Badawczego KBN 2 P04D 009 29 (0531/P04/2005/29) „Zarządzanie zbiornikiem retencyjnym wpływającym na chronione środowisko przyrodnicze na przykładzie systemu rzecznego górnej Narwi”, zakończony w 2008.
  • Kierownik projektu Badawczego NCN 2018/30/Q/ST10/00654 (w ramach SHENG01) „Wpływ działalności człowieka oraz zmian klimatu na dynamikę suszy (transformację suszy meteorologicznej w suszę hydrologiczną) i podatność na suszę - HUMDROUGHT",  2019-2023.

  • Główny wykonawca rojektu badawczego Pol-Nor/196143/80/2013, “Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Extremes (CHIHE), wykonywanego w ramach  the Polish-Norwegian Research Program (Norway Grants) in cooperation with NVE (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate), leader of WP1 Changes in observed hydro-meteorological time series in Polish and Norwegian catchments, 2013-2016.

  • Główny wykonawca w projekcie The Sendzimir Foundation (USA): “Evaluation of the dynamics of pollution within the Narew National Park”, 2001.

  • Główny wykonawca w projekcie The Sendzimir Foundation (USA): “Towards Sustainable Futures for the Upper Narew Valley” 2003-2004.

  • Główny wykonawca w projekcie “Recognition of Hydrological Processes in the Upper Narew Multichannel River System and their Influence on Sustainable Development of the Region” w ramach prowadzonego na mocy porozumienia pomiędzy Instytutem Geofizyki PAN oraz National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, Uniwersytetu Mississippi ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Technology Transfer Project. 2003-2004.projektu), 6000 PLN;
  • Główny wykonawca w projekcie „Opracowania operatu szczegółowego zasobów wodnych w ramach planów ochrony: Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego (NPN) i obszaru Natura 2000 „Narwiańskie Bagna” (PLH200002) oraz planu ochrony obszaru Natura 2000 Bagienna Dolina Narwi PLB (PLB200001)”

Członkostwo w organizacjach i stowarzyszeniach

  • członek Centralnej Komisji do Spraw Stopni i Tytułów 2013-2020
  • Editor-in-Chief of Acta Geophysica 2009-2016
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief (hydrology) of Acta Geophysica 2017-
  • editor pomocniczy  Journal of Hydrological Sciences 1998-2003
  • członek Rady Fundacji EKOFUNDUSZ 2001-2006
  • członek Komitetu Geofizyki PAN
  • członek Rady Naukowej IGF PAN
  • członek Narwiańskiego Towarzystwa Ochrony Środowiska
  • członek IFAC TC on Modelling and Control of Environmental System od 2012


Baza naukowa

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Web of Science (Core Collection)








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Scientif articles in the Google Scholar

Publikacje w czasopismach z listy Web of Science

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2024. Metaheuristics should be tested on large benchmark set with various numbers of function evaluations, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 101807, 10.1016/j.swevo.2024.101807

Senbeta TB, Napiorkowski JJ, Karamuz E, Kochanek K, Woyessa YE, 2024. Impacts of water regulation through a reservoir on drought dynamics and propagation in the Pilica River watershed, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 53, 101812, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.101812

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2024. To what extent evolutionary algorithms can benefit from a longer search? Information Sciences, 654, 119766, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2023.119766

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2023. Choice of benchmark optimization problems does matter, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 83, 101378, doi:10.1016/j.swevo.2023.101378.

Senbeta TB, Karamuz E, Kochanek K, Napiórkowski  JJ, Romanowicz RJ, 2023. Budyko-based approach for modelling water balance dynamics considering environmental change drivers in the Vistula River basin, Poland, Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi: 10.1080/02626667.2023.2187297

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2023. Choice of benchmark optimization problems does matter, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 83, 101378, doi:10.1016/j.swevo.2023.101378.

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2023. How Much Do Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms Improve Over a Classical Heuristic From 1960?  IEEE Access, 11, 19775--19793, doi:10.1109/access.2023.3247954

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Zhu S, 2023. Novel air2water model variant for lake surface temperature modelling with detailed analysis of calibration methods, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, 553-569, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3226516, 2021 JIF=4.715

Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowski AP, Karamuz E, Senbeta TB, 2023. Calibration of conceptual rainfall‑runoff models by selected differential evolution and particle swarm optimization variants, Acta Geophysica, 71(5), 2325-2338, doi:10.1007/s11600-022-00988-0, 2022 JIF=2.3

Piotrowski AP, Zhu S, Napiorkowski JJ, 2022. Air2water model with nine parameters for lake surface temperature assessment. Limnologica, 94, 125967, doi:10.1016/j.limno.2022.1259672020 JIF=2.093

Piotrowski AP, Osuch M, Napiorkowski JJ, 2021. Influence of the choice of stream temperature model on the projections of water temperature in rivers Journal of Hydrology, 601, 126629, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126629, 2020 JIF=5.722

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2021. Input dropout in product unit neural networks for stream water temperature modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 598, 126253, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126253, 2020 JIF=5.722.

Zhu S, Piotrowski AP, Ptak M, Napiorkowski JJ, Dai J, Ji Q, 2021. How does the calibration method impact the performance of the air2water model for the forecasting of lake surface water temperatures? Journal of Hydrology, 597, 126219, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126219, 2020 JIF=5.722.

Karamuz E, Bogdanowicz E, Senbeta TB, Napiórkowski JJ, Romanowicz RJ, 2021. Is It a Drought or Only a Fluctuation in Precipitation Patterns?—Drought Reconnaissance in Poland. Water, 13, 807, doi:10.3390/w13060807, 2020 JIF=3.103.

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2020. Population size in Particle Swarm Optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 58, 100718, doi:10.1016/j.swevo.2020.100718.

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowska AE, 2020. Impact of deep learning-based dropout on shallow neural networks applied to stream temperature modelling. Earth-Science Reviews, 201, 103076, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.103076.

Piotrowski AP, Osuch M, Napiorkowski JJ, 2019. Joint Optimization of Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Parameters and Weights Attributed to Meteorological Stations. Water Resources Management, 33, 4509–4524, doi:10.1007/s11269-019-02368-8.

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2019. Simple modifications of the nonlinear regression stream temperature model for daily data. Journal of Hydrology, 572, 308-328, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.02.035

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Osuch M, 2019. Relationship Between Calibration Time and Final Performance of Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models. Water Resources Management, 33, 19-37, doi:10.1007/s11269-018-2085-3

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2018. Performance of the air2stream model that relates air and stream water temperatures depends on the calibration method. Journal of Hydrology, 561, 395–412, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.04.016

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2018. Step-by-step improvement of JADE and SHADE-based algorithms: Success or failure? Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 43, 88-108, doi:10.1016/j.swevo.2018.03.007

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2018. Some metaheuristics should be simplified. Information Sciences, 427, 32-62, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2017.10.039

Meresa HK, Romanowicz RJ, Napiorkowski JJ, 2017. Understanding changes and trends in projected hydroclimatic indices in selected Norwegian and Polish catchments. Acta Geophysica, 65, 829–848, doi:10.1007/s11600-017-0062-5

Wawrzyniak T, Osuch M, Nawrot A, Napiorkowski JJ, 2017. Run-off modelling in an Arctic unglaciated catchment (Fuglebekken, Spitsbergen). Annals of Glaciology, Cambridge University Press, 1-11, doi:10.1017/aog.2017.8

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski MJ, Napiorkowski JJ, Rowinski PM, 2017. Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms: Performance versus speed. Information Sciences, 384, 34–85, doi:org/10.1016/j.ins.2016.12.028

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski MJ, Napiorkowski JJ, Osuch M, Kundzewicz ZW, 2017. Are modern metaheuristics successful in calibrating simple conceptual rainfall–runoff models? Hydrological Sciences Journal , 62, 4, 606–625, doi:10.1080/02626667.2016.1234712

Osuch M, Lawrence D, Meresa HK, Napiorkowski JJ, Romanowicz RJ, 2017. Projected changes in flood indices in selected catchments in Poland in the 21st centuryStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31, 9, 2435–2457, doi:10.1007/s00477-016-1296-5

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2016. Searching for structural bias in particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithmsSwarm Intelligence, 10, 4, 307-353, doi:10.1007/s11721-016-0129-y

Piotrowski, A.P.; Napiorkowski, J.J.; Osuch, M.; Napiorkowski, M.J., 2016. On the importance of training methods and ensemble aggregation for runoff prediction by means of artificial neural networks. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1-23

Wawrzyniak, T, Osuch, O., Napiórkowski, J.J., Westermann, S., 2016. Modelling of the thermal regime of permafrost during 1990–2014 in Hornsund, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 37 (2), 219-242.

Romanowicz, Renata J.; Bogdanowicz, Ewa; Debele, Sisay E.; et al., 2016. Climate Change Impact on Hydrological Extremes: Preliminary Results from the Polish-Norwegian Project 
Acta Geophysica, 64 (2), 477-509.

Piotrowski, Adam P.; Napiorkowski, Maciej J.; Kalinowska, Monika; Napiorkowski, J.J.; Osuch, M., 2016. Are Evolutionary Algorithms Effective in Calibrating Different Artificial Neural Network Types for Streamwater Temperature Prediction? Water Resources Management, 30(3), 1217-1237.

Piotrowski, Adam P.; Napiorkowski, Maciej J.; Napiorkowski, Jaroslaw J.; Osuch, M., 2015 Comparing various artificial neural network types for water temperature prediction in rivers. Journal of Hydrology, 529, 302-315

Piotrowski, A.P., Napiórkowski, J.J., Rowinski, P.M., 2014. How novel is the ‘‘novel’’ black hole optimization approachInformation Sciences, 267, 191-200, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.01.026.

Piotrowski, A.P, Osuch, M, Napiorkowski, M.J., Rowinski, P.M., Napiorkowski, J.J., 2014. Comparing large number of metaheuristics for artificial neural networks training to predict water temperature in a natural riverComputers & Geosciences, 64, 136-151, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.12.013.

Piotrowski, A.P., Napiórkowski, J.J., 2013. A comparison of methods to avoid overfitting in neural networks training in the case of catchment runoff modellingJournal of Hydrology , 476, 97–111, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.10.019.

Piotrowski A.P, Napiorkowski J.J, 2012. Product-Units Neural Networks for catchment runoff forecastingAdvances in Water Resources , 49, 97-113

Piotrowski A., Rowinski P.M., Napiórkowski J.J., 2012. Comparison of evolutionary computation techniques for noise injected neural network training to estimate longitudinal dispersion coefficients in rivers. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(1), 1354-13-61, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2011.08.016

Piotrowski A.P, Napiorkowski J.J, Kiczko A., 2012. Differential Evolution algorithm with Separated Groups for multi-dimensional optimization problemsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 216(1), 33-46, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2011.07.038

Piotrowski A., Napiórkowski J.J., 2011. Optimizing neural networks for river flow forecasting – Evolutionary Computation methods versus the Levenberg–Marquardt approach. Journal of Hydrology, 407(1-4), 12-27, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.06.019.

Piotrowski A., Napiórkowski J.J., Rowiński P.M, Wallis S.G., 2011. Evaluation of temporal concentration profiles for ungauged rivers following pollution incidentsHydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 56(5), 883-894, doi:10.1080/02626667.2011.583398

Piotrowski A., Napiórkowski J.J., 2010. The grouping differential evolution algorithm for multi-dimensional optimization problemsControl and Cybernetics, 39(2), 527-550.

Romanowicz R.J., Kiczko A., Napiórkowski J.J., 2010. Stochastic transfer function model applied to combined reservoir management and flow routing. Hydrol. Sci. J. , 55(1), 27-40.

Piotrowski A, Wallis S. G., Napiórkowski J. J., Rowiński P. M., 2007. Evaluation of 1-D tracer concentration profile in a small river by means of Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1883–1896.

Piotrowski A, Napiórkowski J.J., and Rowiński P.M., 2006. Flash-flood forecasting by means of neural networks and nearest neighbour approach – a comparative study . Nonlinear Processes In Geophysics,13, 443 – 448.

Rowiński, P.M., Piotrowski, A., Napiórkowski, J.J., 2005 Are artificial neural network techniques relevant for the estimation of longitudinal dispersion coefficient in rivers?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50(1), 175-187.

Raschke, E, Meywerk, J., Napiórkowski, J.J., et al., 2001. BALTEX (Baltic Sea Experiment): A European Contribution to Investigate the Energy and Water Cycle over a Large Drainage Basin. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2389-2413.

Napiórkowski, J.J., Terlikowski, T., 2001. Application of deterministic chaos and neural networks in water reservoir management. In: Dubois, D.M., Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2000 - Fourth International Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 573, p. 349-359.

Kaczmarek, Z., Napiórkowski, J.J., Rowiński, P.M., 1998. Conceptual Catchment Water Balance Model. In: Babovic V., Larsen L.C., Hydroinformatics, A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, p. 143-148

Napiórkowski, J.J., Terlikowski, T.S., Wolbring, F., 1997. Multiobjective Approach to the operational control synthesis - The Wupper Reservoir System Case Study. In Operational Water Management, eds. Refsgaard J.C. & Karalis E.A., A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 165-170

Terlikowski, T.S., Napiórkowski, J.J., Karbowski, A., 1997. Operational control of reservoir system with minimax objectives. In Operational Water Management, eds. Refsgaard J.C. & Karalis E.A., A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, p. 171-178

Napiórkowski, J.J., Terlikowski, T.S., 1996. Operational Control for a Multireservoir System - Multiobjective Approach. In: Zanetti, P., Brebbia, C.A. (editors), Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies VI, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 553-562

Kaczmarek, Z., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1996. Water Resources Adaptation Strategy in Uncertain Environment. In Adapting to Climate Change - Assessments and Issues, Editors Joel B.Smith at al., 211-224, Springer Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg

Napiórkowski, J.J., Karbowski, A., Ukleja T., 1995. Low flow augmentation control of Wupper Reservoir System with multicriteria minimax objectives. In HYDRA 2000, Proc. XXVI Congress IAHR, London, 11-15 Sept., vol.4, The hydraulics of water resources and their development, edited by J.Gardiner, 72-73

Papadakis, I., Napiórkowski, J.J., Schultz, G.A., 1993. Monthly Runoff Generation by non-linear Model Using Multispectral and Multitemporal Satellite Imagery, COSPAR Symposium on Advances in the Use of Remote Sensing for Hydrological Science and Water Resources Management , 3 - 4 September 1992, Washington, DC, Published in Advances in Space Research, 13, 5, 1993, (5)181-(5)186

Dooge, J.C.I., Napiórkowski, 1993. Study of Open-Channel Dynamics as Controlled Process - DISCUSSION. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 119(4), 542-543

Napiórkowski, J.J., Wolbring, F.A., Schultz, G.A., 1993. Expert System Application for Real-time risk management during drought. In Extreme Hydrological Events: Precipitation, Floods and Droughts (Proceedings of the Yokohama Symposium, July 1993). IAHS Publ. no.213, 439-446

Napiórkowski, J.J., 1992. Comment on “Identification of a constrained nonlinear hydrological system described by Volterra Functional Series” by J. Xia. Water Resources Research, 28, 9, 2547-2549

Strupczewski, W.G., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1990. Linear flood routing model for rapid flow. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 35, 1, 2, 49-64

Strupczewski, W.G., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1990. What is the distributed delayed Muskingum model?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 35, 1, 2, 65-78

Strupczewski, W.G., Napiórkowski, J.J., Dooge, J.C.I., 1989. The Distributed Muskingum model, Journal of Hydrology, 111, 1-4, 235-257

Napiórkowski, J.J., Dooge, J.C.I., 1988. Analytical solution of channel flow model with downstream control. Hydrological Sciences - Journal, 33, 3, 6, 269-287

Dooge, J.C.I., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1987. The effect of the downstream boundary conditions in the linearized St.Venant equations. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Vol.40, Pt.2, 245-256

Napiórkowski, J.J., Kundzewicz, Z.W., 1986. A discrete conceptualisation of a Volterra series model for surface runoff. Water Resources Research, vol.22, no.10, 1413-1421

Kundzewicz, Z.W., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1986. Nonlinear models of dynamic hydrology. Hydrological Sciences- Journal, 31, 2, 6, 163-185

Napiórkowski, J.J., 1986. Application of Volterra series to modelling of rainfall-runoff systems and flow in open channels. Hydrological Sciences- Journal, 31, 2, 6, 187-203

Napiórkowski, J.J., O'Kane, P., 1984. A new nonlinear conceptual model of flood waves . Journal of Hydrology, 69, 43-58

Dooge, J.C.I, Kundzewicz, Z.W., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1983. On backwater effects in linear diffusion flood routing. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 28, 3, 9, 391-402

Napiórkowski, J.J., Dowley, A., 1983. Discussion of "mprovement of Nonlinear Rainfall-Runoff Model" by Otto J. Helweg, Jaime Amorocho, and Ralph H. Finch (July, 1982). Journal of Hydraulic Division, ASCE, 109, 1068-1070.

Dooge, J.C.I., Strupczewski, W.G., Napiórkowski, J.J., 1982. Hydrodynamic derivation of storage parameters of the Muskingum model. Journal of Hydrology, 54, 371-387

Napiórkowski, J.J., Strupczewski, W.G., 1981. The properties of the kernels of the Volterra series describing flow deviation from a steady state in an open channel. Journal of Hydrology, 52, 185-19

 Inne Publikacje

Tesfaye BS, Kochanek K, Karamuz E, Napiorkowski JJ, 2024. Modelling human impacts on surface and .subsurface hydrological drought. Proc. IAHS, 385, 155–162.

Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowski AP, 2018. Hydrodynamiczne metody wyprowadzenia parametrów modelu Muskingum. (Methods of hydrodynamic derivation of parameters of the Muskingum model), III Krajowy Kongres Hydrologiczny, Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej, 41, 75–89, ISSN 0867-7816

Napiorkowski MJ, Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2014. Stream temperature forecasting by means of ensemble of neural networks: Importance of input variables and ensemble sizeIn River Flow 2014 – Schleiss et al. (Eds), © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, 2017-2025.

Bialik, R.J., Napiórkowski, J.J., Rowinski, P.M., Strupczewski, W.G. 2014. Forty Years of Water Research at the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of SciencesAchievements, History and Challenges in Geophysics,, Springer International Publishing, 109-125, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07599-0_6.

Romanowicz RJ, Osuch M, Napiorkowski JJ, 2013. Wpływ użytkowania terenu oraz zbiornika retencyjnego na przepływy w zlewni górnwej Narwi. Monografie KGW PAN, z.36, 113-128.

Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, Wallis SG, 2012. Product Unit Neural Networks for Estimations of Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficients in Rivers2nd IAHR Europe Congress, 27-29 June 2012, Germany, Munich, flash memory

Kiczko A, Napiórkowski JJ, 2011. Aspiration-Reservation Decision Support System for Siemianówka Reservoir. In: Świątek, D. & Okruszko, T. (Eds.), Modelling of Hydrological Processes in the Narew Catchment, Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 111-121, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19059-9_7.

Piotrowski A., Rowiński P.M, Napiórkowski J.J., 2010. Uncertainty study of data-based models of pollutant transport in riversIn River Flow 2010, eds. Dittrich A., Koll K., Aberle J. & Geisenhainer P., 1759-1766. Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7

Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2010. Uncertainty study of data-based models of pollutant transport in riversIn River Flow 2010, eds. Dittrich A., Koll K., Aberle J. & Geisenhainer P., 1759-1766. Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7.

Romanowicz RJ, Kiczko A, Napiorkowski JJ, 2008. Stochastic Transfer Fucntion Simulator of a 1-D Flow Routing. In: JJ Napiórkowski and R.J. Romanowicz (editors), Management of the Storage Reservoir Influencing the Protected Natural Environment - Upper Narew River System Case Study, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-9 (405), 151-160.

Osuch M, Romanowicz RJ, Napiorkowski JJ, 2008. Solute Transport Processes in Wetlands - Application of Data Based Mechanistic and Transient Storage Models. In: JJ Napiórkowski and R.J. Romanowicz (editors), Management of the Storage Reservoir Influencing the Protected Natural Environment - Upper Narew River System Case Study, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-9 (405), 89-105.

Kiczko A., Romanowicz R.J., Napiórkowski J.J., 2008. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Water Management Problem: Upper Narew Case Study. In: J.J. Napiórkowski and R.J. Romanowicz (editors), Management of the Storage Reservoir Influencing the Protected Natural Environment - Upper Narew River System Case Study, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-9 (405), 41-55

Kiczko A, Romanowicz RJ, Napiorkowski JJ, 2008. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Water Management Problem: Upper Narew Case Study. In: JJ Napiórkowski and R.J. Romanowicz (editors), Management of the Storage Reservoir Influencing the Protected Natural Environment - Upper Narew River System Case Study, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-9 (405), 41-55

Napiorkowski JJ, Romanowicz RJ, 2008. Management of the Storage Reservoir Influencing the Protected Natural Environment - Upper Narew River System Case Study (Preface). Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-9 (405), 2008, 3-5

Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, Wallis S, 2008. Prediction of the fate of pollutants in rivers by means of nonlinear Volterra series. In: M.S. Altinakar, M. A. Kokpinar, I. Aydin, S. Cokgor, & S. Kirkgoz (eds.), River Flow 2008, © 2008 Kubaba Congress Department and Travel Services, ISBN 978-605-60136-1-4, 2469-2476.

Kiczko A., Piotrowski A., Napiórkowski J.J., Romanowicz R.J., 2008. Combined reservoir management and flow routing modelling: Upper Narew case study. In: M.S. Altinakar, M. A. Kokpinar, I. Aydin, S. Cokgor, & S. Kirkgoz (eds.), River Flow 2008, © 2008 Kubaba Congress Department and Travel Services, ISBN 978-605-60136-1-4, 1921-1928.

Osuch O., Kiczko A., Napiórkowski J.J. Romanowicz R., 2007. Sensitivity Analysis of Transient Storage Model Predictions – Narew National Park Case Study. Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-7 (401), 197-205.

Kiczko A, Romanowicz RJ, Napiorkowski JJ, 2007. A study of flow conditions aimed at preserving valuable wetland areas in the Upper Narew Valley using GSA-GLUE methodology. Proceedings 21st International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 12-14, 2007, Warsaw, Poland, Shaker Verlag, 175-183.

Osuch M, Romanowicz RJ, Napiorkowski JJ, 2007. Study of the dispersion processes in a wetland system - application of data based mechanistic and transient storage models. Proceedings 21st International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 12-14, 2007, Warsaw, Poland, Shaker Verlag, 167-174.

Rowinski PM, Guymer I, Bielonko A, Napiorkowski JJ, Pearson J, Piotrowski AP, 2007. Large scale tracer study of mixing in a natural lowland river. Proceedings 32nd Congress of IAHR, July, 1-6 2007, Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, paper 297.

Wallis S, Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2007. Prediction of dispersion coefficients in a small stream using artificial neural networks, Proceedings 32nd Congress of IAHR, July, 1-6 2007, Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, paper 175.

Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, and Napiorkowski JJ, 2006. Assessment of longitudinal dispersion coefficient by means of different neural models. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2006, Nice, FRANCE.

Napiorkowski JJ, Piotrowski AP, 2005. Artificial neural networks as an alternative to the Volterra series in rainfall-runoff modelling Acta Geophysica Polonica, 53, 4, 459-472.

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, Osuch M, 2005. Recognition of hydrological processes in the upper narew multichannel river system and their influence on region sustainable development. In: Altinakar M.S., Czernuszenko W., Rowinski PM, Wang S.S.Y. (eds.), Computational Modeling for the Development of Sustainable Water-Resources Systems in Poland, 27-55.

Napiorkowski JJ, 2005. Elements of Decision Support System for flood control in the Nysa Kodzka Catchment . Eight National Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, Korbielów, Poland, 295-303.

iotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, 2005. Dispersion coefficient assessment by means of different neural networks Eight National Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, Korbielów, Poland, 287-293.

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, Dysarz T, 2004. Transport of pollution in the rivers flowing through wetland areas. In: Kubrak J., Okruszko T. & Ignar S. (eds.), Model Application for Wetlands Hydrology and Hydraulics, Warsaw Agricultural University Press, ISBN 83-7244-620-2, 113-124.

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2004. Określanie zasięgu zalewów w łęgowej dolinie górnej Narwi. Działalność Naukowa, grudzień, 123-124..

Piotrowski AP, Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2004. River flow forecast by means of selected black box models. In: Greco M, Carravetta A. & Della Morte R. (eds.), River Flow 2004, © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 90 5809 658 0, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1375-1382

Rowinski PM, Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2004. Estimation of longitudinal dispersion and storage zone parameters. In: Greco M, Carravetta A. & Della Morte R. (eds.), River Flow 2004, © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 90 5809 658, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1201-1210

Piotrowski AP, Napiorkowski JJ, Rowinski PM, 2004. Extended phase-space reconstruction technique for the prediction of river flows. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.6, 07446, SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU04-A-0744, © European Geosciences Union 2004 (CD)

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2004. Simplification of cross–sections for Nysa Klodzka flood routing model. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.6, 07440, 2004, SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU04-A-07440, © European Geosciences Union 2004 (CD)

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, Owczarczyk A, 2003. Transport of passive admixture in a multi-channel river system – the Upper Narew case study, Part II. Application of dye tracer method. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 3, 4, 381-388

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, Szkutnicki J, 2003. Transport of passive admixture in a multi-channel river system – the Upper Narew case study, Part I. Hydrological survey. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 3, 4, 371-379

Napiorkowski JJ, O'Kane P,2003. The Volterra series as special case of artificial neural network model. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, Geophys. Res. Abstr., 5 (CD-ROM), EAEO3-A-14756

Dysarz T, Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2003. Controlled random search applied to parameters estimation of the longitudinal solutes transport model for rivers. In: Proc. VI Conf. Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimisation, Łagów, Poland, p. 85-93

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2003. Optimal Flood Control of Nysa Kłodzka Reservoir System. In: Napiorkowski JJ (editor) , Modelling and Control of Floods, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-3 (365), p. 83-95

Napiorkowski JJ, Rowinski PM, 2003. Trends and needs in flood modeling and control . In: Napiorkowski JJ (editor) , Modelling and Control of Floods, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-3 (365), 5-24

Napiorkowski JJ, 2003. Preface. In: Napiorkowski JJ (editor), in: Modelling and Control of Floods, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-3 (365), p. 3-4

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2003. Decision Support System for flood control in Nysa Klodzka catchment. International Conference on Advances in Flood Forecating in Europe . Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 March (poster)

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Sequential optimisation applied to flood control of Nysa Klodzka Reservoir System, In: DBU-Umweltgesprach ‘Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz’, 24/25.10.2002 Osnabruck, 135-147

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Flood control in Nysa Reservoir System by means of sequential optimisation and CRS method, In: Proc. Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms and Global Optimisation, September 23-25, Cracow, Poland, p. 27-33

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Global optimisation method for determination of reservoir decision rules during flood. In: 5th ICHE, Warsaw, Poland, CD Proceedings, Track F, PDF 153

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Tracer test in the anastomosing-type river. In: 5th ICHE, Warsaw, Poland, CD Proceedings, 5, p. Track A, PDF 120

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Application of sequential optimisation for flood control – Nysa Reservoir System case study. Proc. Celtic Hydrology Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, July 8th to 10th, 123-130

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2002. Determination of reservoir decision rules during flood., Acta Geophys. Pol., 50, 1, p. 135-149

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, Hildebrand RH, 2001. Miary oceny zachowania się systemów przyrodniczych, In: Gospodarowanie Zasobami Naturalnymi w Zgodzie z Zasadami Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, PTG, Mierki, 76-81

Dysarz T, Napiorkowski JJ, 2001. Problems involved in the numerical controlling of spring flooding, In: Water Quality Issues in the Upper Narew Valley, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-2(325), p. 89-105

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 2001. Water Quality Issues in the Upper Narew Valley (Preface). Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-2 (325), 3-6

Napiorkowski JJ, Szymkiewicz R, 2000. Sterowanie operacyjne falą wezbraniową w warunkach powodzi (Operational control of flood wave). Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu, Nr 387, 171-176

Rowinski PM, Sendzimir J, Napiorkowski JJ, 1999. Możliwości zastosowania Adaptacyjnej Gospodarki w odniesieniu do regionu górnej Narwi, In: Dembek, W. (red.), Aktualna problematyka mokradeł, IMUZ, 227-232

Napiorkowski JJ, Kozłowski A, Terlikowski T, 1999. Influence of Inflow prediction on Performance of Water Reservoir System, In: Savic, D., Walters, G. (editors), Water Industry Systems: Modelling and Optimization Applications, 2, Research Studies Press Ltd., 39-49

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 1998. Wybrane metody dynamiki chaotycznej w hydrologii. Przegląd Geofizyczny, 43, 3-4, 183-190

Rowinski PM, Napiorkowski JJ, 1998. Book rewiew: Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-organization; by Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo, Cambridge University Press, 1997; ISBN: 0-521-47398-5, Pure App. Geophys., vol. 152, 833-835

Kaczmarek Z, Napiorkowski JJ, 1998. Book review: Global Continental Palaeohydrology, eds. K.J. Gregory, L. Starkel and V.R. Baker,John Wiley & Sons, 1995; ISBN:0-471-95420-9, Pure App. Geophys., vol. 152, 618-621

Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz E, Napiorkowski JJ, 1998. Application of Global Optimization Methods to Control of Multireservoir Systems, In: Proc. Advances in Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Cottbus/Berlin, Germany, (CD)

Kozłowski A., Napiorkowski JJ, Terlikowski T, 1998. Wykorzystanie wskaźników niezawodnościowych w syntezie struktury sterowania. In: VII Ogólnopolska Szkoła Naukowa Gospodarki Wodnej, Osieczany k. Myślenic, 6-8 listopada 1996, 89-101

Kaczmarek Z, Napiorkowski JJ, Jurak D, 1997. Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Poland. Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., E-1 (295)

Terlikowski TS., Napiorkowski JJ, Karbowski A, 1997. Operational control of reservoir system with minimax. In: Operational Water Management, eds. Refsgaard J.C. & Karalis E.A., A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 171-178

Napiorkowski JJ, Terlikowski TS, Wolbring F, 1997. Multiobjective Approach to the operational control synthesis - The Wupper Reservoir System Case Study . In Operational Water Management, eds. Refsgaard J.C. & Karalis E.A., A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 165-170

Sukhodolov A, Napiorkowski JJ, Rowinski PM, 1996. Applicability of flow prediction based on attractors. Acta Geophys. Pol., 44, 3, 277-286

Kaczmarek Z, Napiorkowski JJ, Strzepek KM, 1996. Climate change impact on the water supply system in the Warta river catchment, Poland. Water. Resour. Develop., 12, 2, 165-180

Rowinski PM, Kaczmarek Z, Napiorkowski JJ, 1995. Global climate change and water resources . Proc. Sustainable Development Workshop, Budapest, 17-23 August

Napiorkowski JJ, Karbowski A, Ukleja T, 1995. Low flow augmentation control of Wupper Reservoir System with multicriteria minimax objectives. In HYDRA 2000, Proc. XXVI Congress IAHR, London, 11-15 Sept., vol.4, The hydraulics of water resources and their development, edited by J.Gardiner, 72-73

Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1995. Towards the physical structure of river flow stochastic process. In: Kundzewicz ZW (editor), New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and Water Resources , Cambridge University Press, 261-269

Napiorkowski JJ, 1992. Linear theory of open channel flow. In: Prof. Dooge Festschrift, EGS Monograph Series, editor J.P. O'Kane, 3-14, Elsevier

Papadakis I, Napiorkowski JJ, Schultz GA, 1992. The use of multispectral and multitemporal METEOSAT B2-DATA for design of water management systems. Proc. 9th Meteosat Scientific Users' Meeting, 363-368, 15-18 Sept., Locarno, Switzerland

Strupczewski WG, Napiorkowski JJ, 1989. Properties of the distributed Muskingum model. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 37, 3, 229-314

Napiorkowski JJ, 1988. Zastosowania szeregu Volterry w hydrologii dynamicznej (Applications of Volterra series in dynamic hydrology).. Ossolineum, Wroclaw

Strupczewski WG, Napiorkowski JJ, 1988. Solution of the complete linearized St. Venant equation for limiting case of the Froude number equal to one. Proc. IAHR International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics '88, 264-265, Budapest, 30 May - 3 June

Dooge JCI, Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1987. Properties of the generalized linear downstream channel response. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 35, 4, 405-416

Dooge JCI, Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1987. The linear downstream response of a generalized uniform channel. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 35, No.3, 279-293

Dooge JCI, Napiorkowski JJ, 1987. Applicability of diffusion analogy in flood routing. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 35, 1, 65-75

Napiorkowski JJ, Potemska E, 1986. Discrete third-order Volterra model of surface runoff systems. Multivariate Analysis of Hydrologic processes, Proc. Fourth International Hydrology Symposium, July 15-17, 1985, edited by Hsieh Wen Shen, Fort Collins Colorado, 372-381

Strupczewski WG, Napiorkowski JJ, 1986. Asymptotic behaviour of physically based multiple Muskingum model . Multivariate Analysis of Hydrologic processes, Proc. Fourth International Hydrology Symposium, July 15-17 1985, edited by Hsieh Wen Shen, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Potemska E, Napiorkowski JJ, 1986. Copositivity condition of a Volterra series model. Międzynarodowa Konferencja na temat: Procesy Hydrologiczne w Zlewni, 8-11 maj, 137-142

Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1984. Problems involved in identification of the kernels of Volterra series. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 32, 4, 375-391

Dooge JCI, Napiorkowski JJ, 1984. Effect of downstream control in diffusion routing. Acta Geophysica Polonica, vol. XXII, no.4, 363-373

Kundzewicz ZW, Budzianowski RJ, Mitosek HT, Napiorkowski JJ, 1984. Hydrologic input signals: idealization and reality.. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 32, 4, 341-362

Napiorkowski JJ 1984. Nieliniowy model spływu powierzchniowego. Przegląd Geofizyczny, XIX, 4, 547-555

Napiorkowski JJ, 1983. The optimization of a third-order surface runoff model. Scientific Procedures Applied to Planning, Design and Management of Water Resources Systems. Proc. Hamburg Symposium, August, IAHS Publ. no.147, 161-172

Strupczewski WG, Napiorkowski JJ, 1981. Rozkłady maksymalnych sezonowych wysokości opadów atmosferycznych i ich sum na podstawie modelu serii czasowej. Przegląd Geofizyczny, 26, 1-2, 25-36

Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, Dooge JCI, 1981. Lumped nonlinear flood routing model and its simplification to the Muskingum model. Proc. International Symposium on Rainfall- Runoff Modeling, May 18-21, Mississippi, 543-552

Dooge JCI, Strupczewski WG, Napiorkowski JJ, 1981. The use of Volterra series in the modelling of flow in an open channel. International Conference on Numerical Modelling of River, Channel and Overland Flow for Water Resources and Environmental Applications, May 4-8, Bratislava

Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1981. The deterministic identification of kernels of the Volterra series describing the flow in an open channel. Publ. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., G-2 (143), 25-36

Napiorkowski JJ, Strupczewski WG, 1979. The analytical determination of the kernels of the Volterra series describing the cascade of nonlinear reservoirs. Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 6, 3-4, 121-142

Napiorkowski JJ, 1978. Identyfikacja konceptualnego modelu zbiornikowego opisanego szeregiem Volterry. Praca Doktorska (PhD Thesis).

Kundzewicz ZW, Napiorkowski JJ, 1976. On stochastic properties of nonlinear hydrological and water resources systems . Proc. Water Resources Systems, 2nd Symposium, Hradec Kralove, Sept., 260-273

Strupczewski WG, Kiczko RJ, Kundzewicz ZW, Napiorkowski JJ, Mitosek HT, 1975. Transformation of the processes in the linear hydrological systems. Proceedings Second World Congress, International Water Resources Association, New Delhi, December, Vol.5, 33-43

Strupczewski WG, Kiczko RJ, Kundzewicz ZW, Napiorkowski JJ, Mitosek HT, 1975. Stochastic properties of the processes transformed in linear hydrological systems. Application of Mathematical Models in Hydrology and Water Resources Systems - Symposium, IAHS-AISH Publ.No.115, 232-237