dr Emilia Karamuz

Adiunkt w Zakładzie Hydrologii i Hydrodynamiki

Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 6915-863, e-mail: emikar@igf.edu.pl


2009 - 2016  Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Science, Department of Hydrology and Hydrodynamics, PhD Studies (PhD in Earth Sciences),

2008 - 2009  Military University of Technology, Postgraduate Studies: GIS, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,

2006 - 2008  University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Climatology (M. Sc.),

2007 - 2008  University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies,  course: The natural potential of space

2003 - 2006  University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Climatology (B. Sc.) .



Assimilation of traditional water-level data with data from satellite and aerial imaging in application for defining flood hazard maps. (2015 -2016),

Hydrological research using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) (2017-2018),

Comprehensive hydrological studies of the Świder basin using modern measuring techniques (2019 – on-going).



Catchment hydrology

Modelling of hydrological systems

Assessment of environmental change impacts on hydrology and water resources

Hydrological monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)



Karamuz E., Romanowicz R.J, 2016, The influence of rating curve uncertainty on flow conditions in the River Vistula in Warsaw, In: Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport at Freshwater Aquatic Interfaces, 34th International School of Hydraulics, 153-166; Eds. Rowiński P.,Marion A., GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences


Karamuz E., Romanowicz R.J, Booij M.,2015, Influence of land-use and water management practices on water levels in the middle River Vistula, In: Stochastic Flood Forecasting System: The Middle Vistula Case Study, Eds. Romanowicz R.J., Osuch M., GeoPlanet:Earth and Planetary Sciences, 17-31,doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18854-6_2


Kochanek K., Karamuz E., Osuch M., 2015, Distributed modelling of flow in the middle reach of the River Vistula, In: Stochastic Flood Forecasting System: The Middle Vistula Case Study, Eds. Romanowicz R.J., Osuch M., GeoPlanet:Earth and Planetary Sciences, 83-107, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18854-6_6


Karamuz E., Romanowicz R.J,2014, Changes in catchment hydrology caused by changes in the environment: A contribution of the Water Resources Department. Institute of Geophysics PAS, In: Geoplanet: Achievements, History and Challenges in Geophysics, 127-135,doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07599-0_7


Romanowicz R.J, Osuch M., Karamuz E., 2014, Stochastyczny system symulacji transformacji fali wezbraniowej na odcinku Wisły pomiędzy Zawichostem a Warszawą, Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej PAN, XX(I), 115-126


Kiczko, A., Romanowicz, R. J., Osuch, M., and Karamuz, E.: Maximising the usefulness of flood risk assessment for the River Vistula in Warsaw, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13(12), 3443-3455, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-3443-2013


Romanowicz R.J, Kiczko A., Karamuz E., Osuch M., 2013, Derivation of flood risk maps for the Warsaw reach of the river Vistula, Proceedings of the Mid-term COST Action ES0901