
Renewal Phase:

Surveys Action Plans HRS4R Reports OTM-R Checklists Site Visits

The survey conducted among scientists

Survey responses

Action Plan 2022-24


Report HRS4R 2022 + Attachment - Report on activity of the Science Communication and Education Dept. 2022

Report HRS4R 2023 + Attachment - Report on activity of the Science Communication and Education Dept. 2023


OTM-R Checklist 2022

OTM-R Checklist 2023


Consensus Report - Site Visit




Implementation Phase:

Initial Phase:

Supporting documents:

Code of Ethics for Researchers (III edition)
Ordinance No. 9/2016 of the IG PAS Director of April 15, 2016 regarding the appointment of a Team for the implementation of the rules and recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the IG PAS
Decision No. 9/2018 of the IG PAS Director of August 21, 2018 regarding the appointment of the Science Communication and Education Team
Ordinance No. 18/2019 of the IG PAS Director of December 1, 2019 regarding the appointment of the International Advisory Board at the IG PAS
Decision No. 17/2020 of the IG PAS Director of September 1, 2020 regarding the appointment of the IG PAS Scientific Strategy Programme Team
Decision No. 07/2021 of the IG PAS Director of  July 16, 2021 regarding the appointment at the Institute of Geophysics, PAS, of a Committee to develop a Gender Equality Plan 
Decision No. 17/2021 of the IG PAS Director of 21 October 2021 regarding the appointment of a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Implementation and Monitoring Working Group at the IG PAS
Ordinance No. 18/2021 of the IG PAS Director of November 5, 2021 regarding the implementation of the OTM-R Policy of the IG PAS
Ordinance No. 1/2022 of the IG PAS Director of January 26, 2022 regarding the implementation of the HR Strategy for research employees of the IG PAS (HRS4R)
Ordinance No. 2/2022 of the IG PAS Director of January 26, 2022 regarding the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan for the IG PAS
Decision No. 2/2022 of the IG PAS Director of  February 03, 2022 regarding the appointment at the Institute of Geophysics, PAS, of a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) & Gender Equality Plan (GEP) Implementation and Monitoring Committee
OTM-R - a short graphic guide
Rules for Holding Competitions for Research Positions at the IG PAS
Anti-Harassment Policy IG PAS