Professor Beata Orlecka-Sikora, PhD
Director of the Institute of Geophysics
tel.: +48 22 6915-951 +48 12 292 38 04 e-mail: |
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- June, 2019 Titular professor in Eart Sciences, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
- July, 2012 Habilitation: dissertation: "The role of static stress transfer in a various-scale seismogenic process", Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
- May, 2005 Ph.D.: dissertation: "Resampling methods for improving the accuracy of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis", AGH University of Science and Technology (former University of Mining and Metallurgy), Krakow
- June, 2000 M.Sc.: dissertation: “Analysis of the generalized fractal dimension spectrum of the local induced seismicity. Example from Halemba coal mine”, AGH University of Science and Technology (former University of Mining and Metallurgy), Krakow
Other study:
- June, 2000 Pedagogical College, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences:
- Director of the Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences since 09.2015
- President of GEOPLANET Center of five Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences since 02.2016
- Acting Director of Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science 05.2015 - 08.2015
- Deputy Director for Science Affairs since 11.2012 - 08.2015
- Head of Induced Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Unit, Department of Seismology and Physics of the Earth`s Interior 04.2010 - 11.2012
- Associate Professor since 2012
- Assistant Professor 2010- 2012
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection
- Assistant Professor 2005 - 2010
- Assistant 2004 – 2005
- anthropogenic seismicity
- triggered seismicity
- probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
- static stress transfer
- statistical seismology
- Award of the President of Polish Academy of Sciences 2019, 2018, 2017
- Prize of Professor Kacper Rafał Rybicki, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Science 2011
- Conference Grant of The Foundation for Polish Science 2010
- Habilitation fellowship, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science 2010 - 2011
- The Collective Prize of Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology 2009
- The Prize of Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology 2009, 2006, 2005
- Award of the Scientific Council of Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection of AGH University of Science and Technology 2000
- Award of the Student Scientific Association 2000
Medal of Stanisław Staszic awarded by Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology 2000
The Prize of Head of Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection of AGH University of Science and Technology 2000
- The Prize of Minister of National Education 1999
- Orlecka-Sikora, B., Cielesta, S. (2020) Evidence for subcritical rupture of injection-induced earthquakes, SREP, 10:4016,
Orlecka-Sikora, B., Lasocki, S., Kocot, J., Szepieniec, T., Grasso, J.R., Garcia-Aristizabal, A., Schaming, M., Urban, P., Jones, G., Stimpson, I., Dineva, S., Sałek., P., Leptokaropoulos, K., Lizurek, G., Olszewska, D., Schmittbuhl, J., Kwiatek, G., Blanke, A., Saccorotti, G., Chodzińska, K., Rudziński, Ł., Dobrzycka, I., Mutke, G., Barański, A., Pierzyna, A., Kozlovskaya, E., Nevalainen, J., Kinscher, J., Sileny, J., Sterzel, M., Cielesta, S. and T. Fischer (2020) An open data infrastructure for the study of anthropogenic hazards linked to georesource exploitation. Scientific Data, 7:89,
- Lasocki, S., Orlecka-Sikora, B. (2020) High injection rates counteract formation of far-reaching fluid migration pathways at The Geysers geothermal field, Geophys. Res. Lett., https://
- Lasocki, S., Orlecka-Sikora, B., (2020) Anthropogenic Seismicity Related to Exploitation of Georesources in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series (ed. Gupta, H.) (Springer, Cham, 2020)
- Orlecka-Sikora, B., Cielesta, S., Lasocki, S. (2019) Tracking the development of seismic fracture network from The Geysers geothermal field. Acta Geophys., doi:
- Leptokaropoulos, K., Cielesta, S. Staszek, M. Olszewska, D. Lizurek, G. Kocot, J. Lasocki, S. Orlecka-Sikora, B. Sterzel M., and T. Szepieniec (2019), IS-EPOS: a platform for anthropogenic seismicity research, Acta Geophys.,
- Cielesta, S., Orlecka-Sikora, B., Staszek, M., Urban, P., Olszewska, D., Ruigrok, E. Toon, S., Picozzi, M., Kwiatek, G., Cesca, S. López Comino, J.A., Isherwood, C., Montcoudiol, N., Jarosławski, J. (2019) SHEER “smart” database – technical note. Acta Geophys. doi:
- Staszek, M., Orlecka-Sikora, B., Leptokaropoulos, K., Kwiatek, G., Martínez-Garzon, P. (2017) Temporal static stress drop variations in relation to technological activity at The Geysers geothermal field, California, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073929
Orlecka-Sikora, B. Lasocki, S. (2016) Interval estimation of seismic hazard parameters, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-016-1419-4
Kozłowska, M., Orlecka-Sikora, B. (2016) Assessment of quantitative aftershock productivity potential in mining-induced seismicity, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-016-1432-7
- Kozłowska, M., B. Orlecka-Sikora, Ł. Rudziński, S. Cielesta, and G. Mutke (2016), Atypical evolution of seismicity patterns resulting from the coupled natural, human-induced and coseismic stresses in a longwall coal mining environment, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 86, 5-15, doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2016.03.024
- Leptokaropoulos K. M., Papadimitriou E., Orlecka–Sikora B, Karakostas V., (2016) Evaluation of Coulomb Stress Changes from Earthquake Productivity Variations in Western Corinth Gulf, Greece, PAGEOPH, 173, 49–72, DOI 10.1007/s00024-015-1057-2
- Kozłowska, M., Orlecka-Sikora, B., Kwiatek, G., Boettcher, M. S., Dresen, G. (2015) Nano- and picoseismicity rate changes from static stress triggering caused by a MW2.2 earthquake in Mponeng gold mine, South Africa, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JB011410
Orlecka-Sikora, B., Cesca S., Lasocki S., Lizurek G., Wiejacz P., Rudziński Ł. (2014) Seismogenesis of exceptional ground motion due to a sequence of mining induced tremors from Legnica-Głogów Copper District in Poland, Geophys J Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu109
- Leptokaropoulos K. M., Papadimitriou E., Orlecka–Sikora B, Karakostas V. (2014), Forecasting seismicity rates in western Turkey as inferred from reference seismicity and stressing history, Nat. Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1181-9
- Leptokaropoulos K. M., Papadimitriou E. E. Orlecka-Sikora B. Karakostas V. G. and Vallianatos F. (2014), Time dependent earthquake occurrence rates along the Hellenic Arc, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. Vol. 104, No. 6, doi: 10.1785/0120130298
- Orlecka-Sikora B., Pytel W. (2013) Integration of geomechanical and geophysical analysis methods for the prediction of seismic events in underground mining, Rock Mechanics for Resources, Energy and Environment, Kwaśniewski & Łydżba (eds.), 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00080-3
- Leptokaropoulos, K. M., Papadimitriou E. E., Orlecka–Sikora, B, Karakostas V. G. (2012) Seismicity rate changes in association with the evolution of the stress field in northern Aegean Sea, Greece, Geophys. J. Int. vol. 188, 1322-1338, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05337.x
- Orlecka-Sikora B., Lasocki, S., Lizurek G., Rudziński Ł. (2012) Response of seismic activity in mines to the stress changes due to mining induced strong seismic events, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 53, 151–158,
- Orlecka-Sikora, B. (2010) The role of static stress transfer in mining induced seismic events occurrence, a case study of the Rudna mine in the Legnica-Glogow Copper District in Poland, Geophys. J. Int. 182, 1087–1095, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04672.x.
- Orlecka-Sikora, B. (2008) Resampling methods for evaluating the uncertainty of the nonparametric magnitude distribution estimation in the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. Tectonophysics, 456, Issue: 1-2, August 1, 38-51.
- Lasocki, S., Orlecka-Sikora, B. (2008) Seismic hazard assessment under complex source size distribution of mining-induced seismicity. Tectonophysics, 456, Issue: 1-2, August 1, 28-37.
- Since 2020, “EPOS SP - European Plate Observing System Sustainability Phase” - project of Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-INFRADEV-2019-2, INFRADEV-03-2018-2019, Individual support to ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures, No of partners: 24, project budget: 4 998 094 EUR. Role: coordination of the Work Package “Strengthening Links with Private Sector”.
- 2018, “Prediction of impacts of tremors and surface deformations induced by mining in the panels G23 O/ZG Rudna and LU XI O/ZG Lubin on OUOW „Żelazny Most” with an account for OUOW extension. Project No Nr KGHM-ZH-U-0162-2017 for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Hydro-technical Division in Rudna, coordinated by S. Lasocki – role: Coordination of task “Seismic activity scenarious and time-variable probabilistic characteristics estimation, modelling of future seismic activity”.
- Since 2017, „S4CE - Science4CleanEnergy” – project of Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-LCE-2016-2017, Topic: LCE-27-2017, Type of action: RIA, No of partners: 21, project budget: 9 785 730 EUR. Role: participation in the Work Package dealing with induced seismicity process development associated with the exploitation of georesources.
- Since 2017, „SERA - Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe” – project of Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017, Topic: INFAIA-01-2016-2017, Type of action: RIA, No of Partners: 31, budget: 11 090 777 EUR. Role: participation in the Joint Research Activities: JR1: Physics of the earthquake initiation and JR2: Characterizing the activity rates of induced and natural earthquakes.
- Since 2016, „Development of criteria due to seismic risk for temporary closing/re-opening of seismically active mines”, project financed by Sweden Innovation Agency VINNOVA and mining company Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara LKAB, coordynator Savka Dineva, University of Technology in Lulea, Sweeden. Role: expert, analysis of stress changes due to exploataion and coseismic interaction of seismicity.
- Since 2015, “SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks – SHEER” - Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-LCE-2014-1, Topic: LCE-16-2014, Type of action: RIA, No of Partners: 8, budget: 2.6 Mln EURO, role: WP “Compilation of the SHEER Database” coordination (budget 275tys EURO) and participation in WP4 dealing with induced seismicity analysis.
- Since 2015, „EPOS Implementation Phase” – EPOS IP, H2020-INFRADEV-1-2015-1, Call: H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015, Topic: Individual implementation and operation of ESFRI projects INFRADEV-3-2015, Pillar Excellent Science, No of Partners: 38, budget: 18 Mln EURO, role – coordination of WP14 “Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards, No of Partners of WP14: 14, budget of WP14: 1.8 Mln EURO.
- 2013 - 2015, IS-EPOS: Digital Research Space of Induced Seismicity for EPOS Purposes, National Centre for Research and Development, Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013, contract No. POIG.02.03.00-14-090/13-00 – role: Project Deputy Coordinator
- Since 11.2011, European Plate Observing System, Chair of the Working Group 10 „Infrastructures for Georesources”, aim: integration of research infrastructures in the area of anthropogenic seismicity and strengthening dialogue and cooperation between the scientific community and industry.
- 2012, The causes of the exceptional surface impact of mining-induced seismic events from the panel XX/1 in Rudna copper-ore mine in Poland, Project for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – role: Project Coordinator.
- 2011 – 2013, Analysis of interaction among seismic events natural and induced by mining works for time-varying seismic hazard assessment, Research Project coordinated by S. Lasocki, No. 3935/B/T02/2010/39, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland – role: Coordination of task “Static stress inversion”.
- 2012, Detailed prediction of impacts of tremors and surface deformations induced by mining, on OUOW „Żelazny Most” with an account for OUOW extension and program of copper ore excavation till 2042, Project No KGHM-ZH-U-0128-2012 for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Hydro-technical Division in Rudna, coordinated by S. Lasocki – role: Coordination of task “Seismic zonation and time-variable probabilistic characteristics estimation, modelling of future seismic activity”.
- 2011, Guidelines proposals for the project of Council of Ministers on detailed scope assessment of place designated for the location of an nuclear object, and on the requirements for the report of localization for nuclear facility, Project for the National Atomic Energy Agency – Coordination of the Work Package concerning seismic hazard assessment.
- 2011, Updated prediction of the influence of seismicity in mines of KGHM “Polska Miedź” S.A. on the Żelazny Most repository for the period of mining activities, Project No KGHM-ZH-U-0076-2011 for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Hydro-technical Division in Rudna, coordinated by S. Lasocki – role: Coordination of task “Past and future seismic zonation and time-variable probabilistic characteristics estimation”.
- 2009 - 2011, Analysis of the static stress transfer due to coseismic slip of mining induced seismicity and its role in seismogenic process. Research Project No. N N307234937, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland - Project Manager.
- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Supervising the measurements of seismic impact due to mining exploitation, carried out by the “Żelazny Most” repository monitoring network and stations monitoring the repository's western foreland, Project coordinated by S. Lasockifor KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Zakład Hydrotechniczny, Rudna. – Co-researcher.
- 2007-2009, Studies of the time variations of seismic hazard for the natural and mining induced seismicity with the use of non-parametric methods, Research Project No. GRECJA/10/2007 of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland – Co-researcher.
- 06.2003 - 10.2003 Marie Curie Traning Site Scolarship, Thrieste University, Italy
- 09.2003 - 10.2003 Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Thrieste, Italy
- 08.2007 - 09.2007 University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 11.2009 University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2011 Training of "Intergenerational Human Resource Management", the Association of Management Consultants and Trainers MATRIK, Cracow, Poland
Member of the Geodesy Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences
Member of the Presidium of Geophysical Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences
National Representative in Working Group “Induced Seismicity” of ESC
National Representative of IUGGI
Member of Working Group “Triggered and Induced Seismicity”, CoSOI, IASPEI
Editor in Acta Geophysica, section: Triggered and Induced Seismicity.