11.082017 Assoc. prof. Marzena Osuch co-author in prestigious Science Article Changing climate shifts timing of European floods is based on long-term analysis of the timing of river floods in Europe ...>
09.052017 EDU-ARCTIC presented in Brussels. New teachers on board! On Saturday 6th of May, we took opportunity to present EDU-ARCTIC to participants of the 14th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, organised by Scientix and Next-Lab, which took place in Brussels in European Schoolnet office. ...>
27.092016 in the white house about arctic On September 28, science ministers from around the world will meet in Washington to discuss changes occurring in the Arctic.(White House Arctic Science Ministerial). ...>
09.092016 A vessel, brand new project tools and polar bears EDU-ARCTIC Methodological workshop is approaching! ...>
11.022016 Another project in Horizon2020 Innovative educational program attracting young people to natural sciences and polar research(Edu-Arctic) received funding from EU ...>