Dr Iwona Kuptel-Markiewicz
Associate Professor
Hydrology and Hydrodynamics Department
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
addres: Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warsaw
phone: +48 22 6915-863, e-mail: iwonamar@igf.edu.pl
- 2023 - Doktor habilitowany in Natural sciences in the discipline of Earth and related environmental sciences, habilitation thesis: „Development of statistical methods in flood frequency analysis"
- 2009 - PhD in Earth Sciences in the discipline of geophysics, PhD thesis " The dispersion measures used in modeling of probability distributions of annual maximum flows".
- 2003 – 2008 - Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Water Resources Department, PhD studies.
- 2002 - Master of Science in Mathematics
- 1997 – 2002 - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, study: Mathematics, specialization: mathematics in finance and insurance. Master thesis: "Characteristic problems related to the properties of order and record statistics".
- 2023 - present - Associate Professor at the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2009-2023 - Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2022 - Internship at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Quebec, Canada
2007 - Internship at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
Scholarships and awards
2013 - The scholarship named of Prof. Rafal Kacper Rybicki for outstanding and creative scientific achievements in the field of Earth Sciences, in the dyscypline of geophysics.
Research interests
- Analysis of hydrological extreme phenomena
- Statistical and stochastic modeling of floods, droughts and extreme precipitation
- Risk assessment and risk management
- The impact of anthropogenic factors on the hydrological regime
- Hydrological Forecasts
Research Grants
2025 – 2028: Ecosystem services to enhance the resilience of coastal regions and communities to flood risks in a catchment to sea perspective (EcoC2S). Project funded under the Water4All 2023 Joint Transnational Call, with the Institute of Geophysics PAS receiving funding from the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR, Poland). Member of the research team.
2021 – 2022: Human and Climate Impacts on Drought Dynamics and Vulerability (HUMDROUGHT). Project financed by the National Science Centre. Contract number: 2018/30/Q/ST10/00654. Member of the research team.
2018 – 2023: COST Action CA17109 Understanding and modeling compound climate and weather events (DAMOCLES). Member of the Management Committee and member of the Working Group 4: New statistical approaches for model development and evaluation.
- 2013 – 2015: Modern statistical models for analysis of flood frequency and features of flood waves. Project funded by the Polish National Science Centre. Decision nr DEC-2012/05/B/ST10/00482. Main member of the research team.
- 2011 – 2012: Analysis of the efficiency of estimation methods in flood frequency modeling. Project Iuventus Plus funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. No. IP 2010 024570. Project manager.
- 2009 – 2011: Application of new parametric methods for hydrological design in changing environment. Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Information Technology and National Science Centre. No. N N307 092 037. Member of the research team.
- 2007 – 2008: The mean deviation applied to flood frequency modelling. Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. No. N 525 001 32/0013. Main member of the research team.
- 2005 – 2008: Improvement of the methods and techniques of the statistical flood modeling. Project funded by the Polish Research Committee. No. 2 P 04D 057 29. Member of the research team.
Membership in organizations
Member of the Management Committee of the international COST Action CA17109 "Understanding and modeling compund climate and weather events", July, 2018 - March, 2023.
Vice delegate representing Poland in the Council of the Union and in the Association Councils of the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG 2023, since November, 2022.
Member of the International Commission on Statistical Hydrology of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (ICSH-IAHS), previously: The Statistics in Hydrology Working Group (STAHY-WG), since 2010.
Publications on Web of Science lists
- Kochanek K, Rutkowska A, Baran-Gurgul K, Kuptel-Markiewicz I, Mirosław-Świątek D, Grygoruk M, 2024: Analysis of changes in the occurrence of ice phenomena in upland and mountain rivers of Poland, PLoS ONE, 19(7): e0307842. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0307842
- Kochanek K, Markiewicz I, 2022: Statistical Approach to Hydrological Analysis, Water, 14, 1094. DOI: 10.3390/w14071094.
- Markiewicz, I., 2021, Depth–Duration–Frequency Relationship Model of Extreme Precipitation in Flood Risk Assessment in the Upper Vistula Basin. Water, 13, 3439, DOI: 10.3390/w13233439
- Markiewicz I, Bogdanowicz E, Kochanek K, 2020: Quantile mixture and probability mixture models in a multi-model approach to flood frequency analysis, Water, 12(10), 2851. DOI 10.3390/w12102851
- Markiewicz I, Bogdanowicz E, Kochanek K, 2020: On the uncertainty and changeability of the estimates of seasonal maximum flows, Water, 12(3), 704. DOI 10.3390/w12030704
- Kochanek K, Strupczewski WG, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, 2020: The bias of the maximum likelihood estimates of flood quantiles based solely on the largest historical records, Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124740. DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124740
- Markiewicz I, Bogdanowicz E, Kochanek K, 2018: Two ways of a multi-model approach to the estimation of seasonal and annual maxima flow distributions [Dwa sposoby wielomodelowego podejścia do estymacji rozkładów maksymalnych przepływów sezonowych i rocznych]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Wiezik B, Hejduk L, Volume 41, pp. 47-62. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish.
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, 2018: The accuracy of skewness coefficient and flood quantiles estimated by means of weighted function method for Pearson type 3 distribution function [Ocena dokładności współczynnika skośności i kwantyli przepływów maksymalnych estymowanych metodą funkcji wagowej dla rozkładu Pearsona typu III]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Wiezik B, Hejduk L, Volume 41, pp. 21-35. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish.
- Kochanek K, Strupczewski WG, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, 2018: The estimation error of flood quantiles estimated with the use of the data series consisting of historical information only [Błąd estymacji kwantyli powodziowych obliczonych przy wykorzystaniu serii zawierających wyłącznie informacje historyczne]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Wiezik B, Hejduk L, Volume 41, pp. 37-55. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish.
- Strupczewski W.G., Bogdanowicz E., Kochanek K, Markiewicz I, 2018: Asymptotic standard error of annual maximum flow quantile estimated by seasonal approach [Asymptotyczny błąd oceny kwantyli maksymalnych przepływów rocznych w ujęciu sezonowym]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Wiezik B, Hejduk L, Volume 41, pp. 91-102. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish.
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, Feluch W, 2016: Comparison of two nonstationary flood frequency analysis method within the context of the variable regime in the representative Polish Rivers, Acta Geophysica, 64(1), pp. 206-236. DOI 10.1515/acgeo-2015-0070
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, Bogdanowicz E, Kochanek K, 2015: Generalized exponential distribution in flood frequency analysis for Polish Rivers, PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0143965. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0143965
- Markiewicz I, Bogdanowicz E, Strupczewski WG, 2014: On the accuracy and stability of the estimates of probable maximum flows [W sprawie dokładności i stabilności oszacowań prawdopodobnych przepływów maksymalnych]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Banasik K, Hejduk L, Kazanowska E, Volume 20(1) , pp. 81-93. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish
- Bogdanowicz E, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Markiewicz I, 2014: Three gauge problem in flood frequency analysis [Zagadnienie trzech wodowskazów w analizie częstości powodzi]. Book Series: Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Magnuszewski A, Volume 20(2), pp. 219-232. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, 2013: Inundation risk for embanked rivers, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, pp. 3111–3125. DOI 10.5194/hess-17-3111-2013
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, 2013: Flood quantile estimates related to model and optimization criteria, Experimental and Computational Solutions of Hydraulics Problems, Ed Rowiński P. Book series: GeoPlanet - Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 351-364. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30209-1_25.
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Bogdanowicz E, Markiewicz I, 2012: On seasonal approach to flood frequency modelling. Part I: Two-component distribution revisited, Hydrological Processes, 26(5), pp. 705-716. DOI 10.1002/hyp.8179
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Markiewicz I, Bogdanowicz E, Weglarczyk S, Singh VP, 2011: On the tails of distributions of annual peak flow, Hydrology Research, 42(2-3), pp. 171-192. DOI 10.2166/nh.2011.062
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, 2010: On accuracy of upper quantiles estimation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14(11), pp. 2167-2175. DOI 10.5194/hess-14-2167-2010
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, 2010: The power of estimation method in flood frequency modeling [Siła metod estymacji w modelowaniu częstotliwości powodzi]. Book series: Monografie Komitetu Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ed Wiezik B, Volume 68(1), pp. 91-100. Polish Acad Sci, Committee Environmental Engineering, Zabrze, Poland. Proceedings Paper. In Polish. ISBN:978-83-89293-93-0
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, 2009: Dispersion measures for flood frequency analysis, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34(10-12), pp. 670-678. DOI 10.1016/j.pce.2009.04.003
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Singh VP, 2006: Discussion on non-stationary pooled flood frequency analysis by J.M. Cunderlik and D.H. Burns [J.Hydrol. 276 (2003) 210-223], Journal of Hydrology, 330(1-2), pp. 382-385. DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.02.029
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Singh VP, 2006: Relations between three dispersion measures used in flood frequency analysis, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 20(6), pp. 391-405, DOi 10.1007/s00477-006-0033-x.
- Karamuz E, Markiewicz I, Senbeta T, Bogdanowicz E, Napiórkowski J, 2022: Discrepancies in the spatial assessment of drought – the Vistula catchment study, Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences Geophysical Data Bases, Processing and Instrumentation, 443 (E-13), 59–63. DOI: 10.25171/InstGeoph_PAS_Publs-2022-044
- Bogdanowicz E, Karamuz E, Markiewicz I, Kochanek K, 2022: The dynamics of low flows characteristics and exposure to hydrological drought along the River Vistula and in its basin, Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences Geophysical Data Bases, Processing and Instrumentation, 443 (E-13), 41–46. DOI: 10.25171/InstGeoph_PAS_Publs-2022-041.
- Markiewicz I., 2021, Okresy bez opadu oraz z opadem bardzo silnym w półroczu letnim w dorzeczu górnej Wisły. [Periods without precipitation and with very heavy precipitation in the summer half-year in the Upper Vistula Basin], Przegląd Geofizyczny, 66(3-4), 187-208, DOI: 10.32045/PG-2021-024.
- Gioia A, Kochanek K, Fiorentino M, Markiewicz I, Totaro V, Iacobellis V, 2021: Distribuzione di Probabilità delle Piene Teoricamente Derivate ad Area Contribuente Variabile per Precipitazioni GEV Distribuite [Teoretyczne rozkłady prawdopodobieństwa powodzi w oparciu o maksymalne roczne opady podlegające rozkładowi GEV i uwzględniające zmienny obszar]. Technologies forIntegrated River Basin Management, Frega G, Macchione F (eds), Proceedings of the 42nd Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management (ICIRBM - UniCa 2021), Vol 42 – 2021, 13-20, Wydawnictwa EdiBios, ISBN: 978-88-97181-83-5, ISSN 2282-5517.
- Bogdanowicz E, Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Markiewicz I, 2014: Flood risk for embanked rivers, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2, pp. 135-143. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/gep.2014.23018
- Strupczewski WG, Kochanek K, Bogdanowicz E, Feluch W, Markiewicz I, 2013: Dwuetapowa metoda estymacji kwantyli powodziowych w warunkach niestacjonarności. Book: Problemy obliczania przepływów ekstremalnych w zlewniach kontrolowanych i niekontrolowanych, tom 1, pp. 109-124. Wydawnictwa KGW PAN, Warsaw, Poland.
- Strupczewski WG, Markiewicz I, Kochanek K, Singh VP, 2008: Short walk into two-shape parameter flood frequency distributions, Hydrology and Hydraulics, Ed Singh VP, Water Resources Publications, Chapter 19, pp. 669-716.
Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, 2008: Simulation approach used for the second
L-moment derivation of the inverse Gaussian distribution, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., Vol. E-10, No. 406, pp. 109-115. - Strupczewski WG, Markiewicz I, 2006: Initial study of two shape parameter flood frequency distributions, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., Vol. E-6, No. 390, pp. 147 - 154.
- Markiewicz I, Strupczewski WG, 2005: On the dispersion measures used in the flood frequency modelling, Proc. XXV International School of Hydraulics, Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp.139-146.
- Markiewicz I, Czernuszenko W, 2004: Some properties of spreading of the thermal pollution in flowing waters, Proc. XXIV International School of Hydraulics, Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 203-210.