12.092019 Institute of Geophysics student awarded 2019 SEG/Chevron Student Leadership Symposium travel grant Fifty university student leaders from around the world were awarded an SEG travel grant to attend the SEG/Chevron Student Leadership Symposium, 14–15 September 2019 at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists 89th Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Among them was Gajek Wojciech of the Polish Academy of Sciences/ Institute of Geophysics. ...>
29.082019 How does climate change affect floods in Europe? An article in Nature with an author from the Institute of Geophysics PAS A large international research project led by the Vienna University of Technology for the first time on such a scale has shown that climate change affects the magnitude of floods. The results of the work were published in the journal Nature, and one of the authors is our employee – Assoc. Prof. Marzena Osuch. ...>
12.082019 INTERACT Transnational Access Call is open for projects taking place between April and August 2020 The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply for Transnational Access to 42 research stations across the Arctic and northern alpine and forest areas in Europe, Russia and North-America. ...>
07.082019 CALL FOR ACCESS TO SIOS INFRASTRUCTURE IN SVALBARD We would like to inform that Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) has opened a call for access to research infrastructure owned by SIOS members (including the Hornsund Polish Polar Station) in 2020. ...>
04.062019 Mobile app Arctic Explorer Game - smart entertainment for everyone The virtual journey through the Arctic begins in Svalbard – a place where Poland, under the Spitsbergen Treaty, conducts scientific research, among others in the Polish Polar Station Hornsund. ...>