Hornsund Time Capsule
The Time Capsule conveys a message about us to civilization distant in time. We may only speculate on their ability for understanding of our communication systems. These systems are different and include writing, speaking, imaging (e.g. pictures, music), body language, or religious behaviors and practices, expressing our transcendental thinking. Less perceived form of communication is the language of objects, although practiced by all of us every day. Each object we use speaks for ourselves, but some of them are used commonly. These objects are telling a story about our civilization. Some objects demonstrate our technical development, while other testify a level of our knowledge and understanding of the Earth and the Universe. We use a language of objects to write our “message in a bottle”, which was thrown into the Sea of Geological Time.
Marek Lewandowski
All details on "Hornsund Time Capsule" can be reached at www.timecapsule.igf.edu.pl
Research letter covering Hornsund Time Capsule was published in Gondwana Research
- Lewandowski, M., Kusiak, M.A., Michalczyk, Ł., Szmigiel, D., Sledziewska-Gojska, E., Barzycka, B., Wawrzyniak, T., Luks, B., Thordarson, T., Wilde, S.A., Hoskuldsson, A., 2017. Message in a stainless steel bottle thrown into deep geological time. Gondwana Research 52, 139–141 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2017.09.005
The Hornsund Time Capsule has been covered by media worldwide:
- Nature, "Time capsule buried to preserve science for the ages"
- Science, "This scientific time capsule contains an unusual treasure—300 live tardigrades"
- The New York Times, "Time capsule buried to preserve science for the ages"
- PAP Science & Scholarship in Poland, "Time capsule with scientific valuables hidden on Spitsbergen"
- Polska Agencja Prasowa, "Kapsuła czasu z naukowymi precjozami ukryta na Spitsbergenie"
- Polskie Radio, "Polska kapsuła czasu spoczęła na Spitsbergenie"
- TVP, "Naukowcy zakopali kapsułę czasu dla przyszłej cywilizacji"
- TVN Meteo, "Polska kapsuła czasu czeka na gości z kosmosu. Ma reprezentować naszą cywilizację"
- TVP Info, "Kapsuła czasu z naukowymi precjozami ukryta na Spitsbergenie"
- Newseria, "Naukowcy z Polski stworzyli kapsułę czasu. Odnajdzie ją przyszła cywilizacja za pół miliona lat"
- INN Poland, "Polacy zakopali na końcu świata symbole naszej cywilizacji. A w środku... arcypolskie przedmioty"
- Polskie Radio RDC, "Z innej planety: kapsuła czasu ukryta na Spitsbergenie"
- infodent24.pl, "Zęby w kapsule czasu"
- Pultusk.biz, "Kapsuła czasu z meteorytem z Pułtuska"
- Sciences et Avenir, "Des scientifiques polonais envoient un message dans une bouteille"
- Rai Radio 3, "Il mondo perduto"
- la Repubblica, "Sepolta nell'Artico una capsula del tempo con Dna e semi"
- Jornal de Notícias, "Cientistas enterram cápsula do tempo num fiorde na Noruega"
- mountlive.com, "Sepolta in Artico capsula del tempo con dna, semi e smartphone"
- SciencePost, "Une capsule temporelle justifiant les avancées scientifiques enterrée pour refaire surface dans 500 000 ans!"
- Europe1, "Des scientifiques enterrent une capsule qui n'émergera que dans 500.000 ans"
- icepeople.net, "But a mobile phone and a credit card can be reclaimed 500,000 years from now"
- VirtulaDr.ir, "این کپسول زمان علم ما را برای آیندگان نگه خواهد داشت!"
- Ридус, "В Польше заложили необычную капсулу времени"
- Qatar Times, "Time capsule buried to preserve science for the ages"
- DOGOnews, "Polish Time Capsule Uses The "Language Of Objects" To Showcase Our Civilization"
- Wspólnota Polska, "Polacy zakopali na Svalbardzie kapsułę czasu"
Update: 28.02.2018