Dokumenty rekrutacyjne 2024/2025

Recruitment to the GeoPlanet Doctoral School is carried out in the form of the competition.

A person who has a master's degree, a master's degree in engineering or an equivalent degree may apply for the Doctoral School.

The candidate should select a research topic from the list below and contact with a potential supervisor.

Documents should be sent in electronic form in one PDF file (by e-mail) only to the address:

The following documents are required in the recruitment procedure:

  1. The motion to enroll in the Doctoral School along with the consent for processing personal data for the recruitment purposes and the declaration about familiarizing with the present Regulations. Application to the DS GeoPlanet
  2. A copy of the diploma certifying the completion of studies or a certificate confirming the completion of studies. In the case when the candidate is not in the possession of the above mentioned documents, he/she is obliged to deliver them before the start of the education in the Doctoral School. The documents are not required from the person referred to in Article 186 paragraph 2 of the Law.

Note: If the candidate does not have the abovementioned documents, she/he is expected to provide them before the admission to the doctoral school.

  1. The list of grades obtained during the first-cycle (B.A., B.Sc.) and second-cycle studies (M.A., M.Sc.) or the list of grades obtained during the long-cycle Master Degree studies. 
  2. The curriculum vitae containing the course of the existing education and employment, the list of publications, information on the involvement in scientific activity (membership in student research groups, participation in scientific conferences, internships and trainings, obtained awards and distinctions). CV form
  3. A letter of motivation containing a short description of interests and scientific achievements and the justification why the candidate intends to undertake the education in the Doctoral School. A cover letter form
  4. Certificates or other documents stating the level of command of English language if the candidate is in possession of such documents. 
  5. At least one letter of recommendation from the current research supervisor, academic teacher or research worker describing the candidate and his/her scientific activity that has been carried out by him/her so far. The letter can be sent by the candidate or directly by the person who wrote the letter. It is also possible that the candidate indicates a person who is a research worker or an academic teacher and holds the scientific degree from whom the recruitment commission may independently obtain such an opinion. In such a case the recruitment commission asks for such an opinion within the term that allows for taking it into consideration during the recruitment time. The possible ways to deliver the letter are included in the recruitment announcement. 

Note: Please do not sent any extra documents! Documents should be sent in one PDF file in the order as above (1-7). The documents sent in other form will not be considered by the recruitment committee.

The recruitment process consists of two stages:

In the first stage, the recruitment commission makes an initial ranking of candidates by assessing the submitted applications, taking into consideration:

a) the candidate’s scientific achievement (0-5 points) based on the grades obtained during studies, the scientific publications, patent applications, awards and distinctions resulting from conducting scientific research or the student activity, scholarships;

b) scientific experience and professional experience of the candidate (0-3 points) based on the participation in conferences, workshops, trainings and internships, participation in research projects and commercial projects, involvement in scientific associations and scientific clubs and student research groups;

c) motivation and aptitude to undertake research work (0-2 points) based on the candidate’s letter of motivation and the opinion provided in the letter of recommendation.

The recruitment commission establishes the minimum number of points qualifying to the second stage of the recruitment on the basis if the initial ranking of candidates. The number of points that qualify to the second stage cannot be lower than 5. In the case when none of the candidates is eligible for the second stage, the term stipulated for receiving the applications can be extended.

During the recruitment interview the recruitment commission evaluates:

a) the candidate’s knowledge at the master’s level, with regard to the discipline in which the candidate wants to undertake education (0-3 points);

b) the candidate’s presentation covering the results of the research conducted so far The form of the presentation (e.g. discussion, short presentation) identical for all candidates shall be decided by the commission, in the invitation to take part in the recruitment interview. (0-3 points);

c) motivation and aptitude for research work within the framework of the selected subject-matter of the doctoral dissertation (0-4 points).

By way of the decision of the commission or upon the request of the candidate the recruitment interview can be held via the means of remote communications. The recruitment interview can be organized with the use of the speech synthesizer (text-tospeech) or in the presence of the assistant of the person with disability, in the case of candidates holding a disability certificate that justifies such a necessity.

The final ranking list of the candidates is created on the basis of the total of points obtained in the first and second stage.

 The persons who received in total less than 10 points cannot be enrolled in the Doctoral School. In the case when none of the candidates received the required minimum number of points, the deadline to receive applications can be extended.

The decisions on the enrollment in the Doctoral School are taken by the director of the institute which conducts the recruitment on the basis of the final ranking list and the recommendation of the recruitment commission and the financial possibilities of the institute. In particular, the director of the institute determines the minimum number of points that allows for enrolling the candidate in the School.

The results of the recruitment procedure are open and announced on the website of the institute that carries out the recruitment or in its Public Information Bulletin.

The institute informs the candidates about the results of the recruitment within 21 days from the last recruitment interview.

Upon receiving the negative decision (denial) on the enrollment in the Doctoral School, the interested party shall have the right to submit a motion to consider his/her application again to the director of the institute within 14 days from the date of delivering the negative decision.

All regulations of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School can be found here: 

GeoPlanet Doctoral School's website:

For additional information contact:

Dr hab. inż. Monika Kalinowska - The Coordinator of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School in the Institute of Geophysics PAS 

Anna Cygan - The Head of Research Office