Dr hab. Krzysztof Nowożyński, prof. PAN

Zakład Magnetyzmu (Geoelektromagnetyzm)
Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 6915 755
e-mail: kn@igf.edu.pl

Wybrane publikacje:

  1.  Ślęzak, K., Jóźwiak, W., Nowożyński, K., Brasse H., (2016): 3-D Inversion of MT Data for Imaging Deformation Fronts in NW Poland. Pure Appl. Geophys. 173: 2423. doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1275-2
  2. A. Neska, K Nowozynski, J. Reda, M. Jegen-Kulcsar, 2013, Reducing motion noise in marine magnetotelluric measurements by means of tilt records Geophysical Journal International, 194, 304–315 doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt087
  3. Nowożyński K. and Ślęzak, K., 2013, Analysis and Usage of Linear Relationships between the Magnetic Field Components Recorded by INTERMAGNET, Acta Geophys. 61, 511-534
  4. Ślęzak, K., Nowożyński, K., Jóźwiak, W., Martens, D., Brasse, H., 2013. Three-dimensional MT modelling for the Pomerania region in NW Poland - 25. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung (Kirchhundem-Rahrbach, Germany 2013), p. 60-64.
  5. Nowożyński K., Splines in the approximation of geomagnetic fields and their transforms at the Earth’s surface, Geophys. J. Int. (2012) 189, 1369–1382.
  6. V. Yu. Semenov, B. Ladanivsky and K. Nowożyński. New induction sounding tested in Central Europe. Acta Geophys. 59, 2011, 815-832.
  7. T. Ernst, J. Jankowski and Nowożyński, K., A New Magnetic Index Based on the External Part of Vertical Geomagnetic Variations, Acta Geophys. 58, 2010, 963-972.
  8. Nowożyński, K., Reda, J., 2007. Comparison of observatory data in quasi-real time, In: XII Iaga Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99 (398), p. 123-127
  9. Pushkarev, P.Y., Ernst, T., Jankowski, J., Jozwiak, W., Lewandowski, M., Nowożyński, K., Semenov, V.Yu., 2007. Deep resistivity structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone in central Poland, Geophys. J. Int., 200, p. 926-940
  10. Neska, M., Sátori, G., Szendrõi, J., Marianiuk, J., Nowożyński, K., Tomczyk, S., 2007. Schumann resonance observation in Polish polar stations at Spitsbergen and Central Geophysical Observatory in Belsk, Publs. Inst. Geophys., Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99 (398), p. 93-98
  11. Nowożyński, K., 2006. On regularities in long-term quiet geomagnetic variations, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 241 (3-4), p. 648-654
  12. Nowożyński, K., 2005. New Methods for Parametrization and Determination of Transfer Functions and Impulse Responses, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc. (Monographic Volume), C-88 (364), 84 pp.
  13. Nowożyński, K., 2005. On regularities in long-term solar quiet geomagnetic variations, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 241 (3-4), p. 85-93
  14. Semenov, V.Yu., Ernst, T., Nowożyński, K., Pek, J., EMTESZ Working Group, 2005. Estimation of the deep geoelectrical structure beneath TESZ in NW Poland, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-95 (386), p. 63-66
  15. Nowożyński, K., 2005. Tilt-correction algorithm for vector magnetometers, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-92 (379), p. 129-133
  16. Nowożyński, K., 2004. Estimation of magnetotelluric transfer functions in the time domain over a wide frequency band, Geophys. J. Int., 157, p. 1-10
  17. Nowożyński, K., Teisseyre, K.P., 2003. Time-domain filtering of seismic rotation waves, Acta Geophys. Pol., 51, 1, p. 51-61
  18. Nowożyński, K., 2001. Determination and processing of measuring equipment responses, Acta Geophys. Pol., 49, 3, p. 389-413
  19. Nowożyński, K., Pushkarev, P.Y., 2001. The efficiency analysis of programs for two-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data, Izv., Phys. Solid Earth, 37 (6), p. 503-516
  20. Wielądek, R., Nowożyński, K., 2001. Determination of transfer function through solution in time domain, Acta Geophys. Pol., 49, 1, p. 131-142
  21. Nowożyński, K., 2000. Fast noniterative algorithm for designing high-accuracy lowpass FIR filters with the evaluation of errors, IEEE Trans. Sign. Proc., 48, 10, p. 2764-2771