24.052023 EPOS launches the European Portal for Open and Integrated Access to Multidisciplinary Scientific Data for Solid Earth Sciences The platform “EPOS Data Portal” will be presented at the EGU General Assembly 2023 and will allow scientists, students and stakeholders to access multidisciplinary scientific data and products for understanding Earth dynamics. ...>
23.052023 Participation of IG PAS employees in the 39th Polar Symposium in Sopot The traditional meeting of the Polish polar community took place in Sopot on May 18-19. The organizers and hosts of this year's conference were the Institute of Oceanology PAS, the Polish Polar Consortium, the Committee on Polar Research and the Polar Club of the Polish Geographical Society. ...>
19.042023 RAW project meeting in Sopot On April 17-18, the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot, Poland, hosted the next "RAW – Retreat And Wither" – What is the influence of glaciers recession from tidewater to land-based on the marine biological production and biogeochemistry in the Arctic? project meeting. ...>
17.042023 SIOS - Planet announced the winning projects This call for proposals was launched to provide free access to high-resolution optical satellite data acquired by Planet’s satellite constellation to stimulate geospatial product generation in Svalbard. ...>