

Researchers from IG PAS on River Flow 2024

River Flow 2024 - the 12th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics took place in Liverpool on 2nd-6th September. 5 Participants from the Hydrology and Hydrodynamics Department: Michael Nones, Arianna Varrani, Hossein Hamidifar, Yiwei Guo, Łukasz Przyborowski actively participated in this conference.

Organized since 2002 under the auspices of the Fluvial Hydraulics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), the River Flow Conference Series has become one of the main international forum for dissemination of research and industrial practice on fluvial hydraulics and river engineering. You may find out more about the conference on its website.

All participants from the Institute had oral presentations: 

  • M. Nones, L. Schippa, M. Guerrero "Remote sensing to evaluate long-term changes in fluvial biomorphology"
  • Varrani, M. Mrokowska, M. Guerrero, P. Rowiński "Influence of plastic-clastic bed composition on the threshold conditions for the plastic fraction"
  • H. Hamidifar, M. Nones, P.M. Rowiński "Incorporating sediment dynamics in flood modeling, case study: the Kor River"
  • Y. Guo, M. Nones, R. Boothroyd "Interactions between floods and riparian vegetation coverage in an anthropized large river"
  • Ł. Przyborowski, G. Gilja, M. Valyrakis "Detached groynes impact on macroplastic transport"

They participated actively also in other activities. Michael Nones and Arianna Varrani took part in the Fluvial Hydraulics committee meeting, and Michael Nones was engaged in awarding prizes for the International Journal of River Basin Management best author and best reviewer as Editor in Chief of the journal. Hossein Hamidifar participated in the three-day international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging. Arianna Varrani and Łukasz Przyborowski participated in Master Classes Mechanics of plastic transport in rivers, whereas Yiwei Guo in the Master Classes The use of agent-based models to improve the emergency management of floods.


  • Participants of the River Flow 2024 from the Institute of Geophysics PAS. From the left: Łukasz Przyborowski, Michael Nones, Arianna Varrani, Hosein Hamidifar, Yiwei Guo

    Participants of the River Flow 2024 from the Institute of Geophysics PAS. From the left: Łukasz Przyborowski, Michael Nones, Arianna Varrani, Hosein Hamidifar, Yiwei Guo